
yì zhǒnɡ kànɡ yuán
  • xenoantigen;heterologous antigen;xenogeneic antigen;heteroantigen
  1. 以异种抗原IFA试验检测抗间日疟原虫抗体的评价

    Assessment of heterologous antigen in detection of Plasmodium vivax antibodies by IFA test

  2. 因此认为,牛丝虫G抗原可以作为人丝虫病的异种抗原诊断试剂。

    Thus , it suggested that the bovine setaria G antigen may be exploited as a diagnostic reagent of heterogenous anti - gen for human filariasis .

  3. 结论:脾细胞RNA编辑酶在异种抗原的刺激下表达活跃,其表达的高低与脾细胞的功能状态有关。

    CONCLUSION : The expression of RNA editase becomes active when stimulated by heterogeneous antigen and the expression level is related with the functional status of spleen cells .

  4. 用ABC-ELISA比较同种和异种抗原在诊断包虫病上的价值

    Compared Values of the Homologous and Heterologous Antigens in the Diagnosis of Hydatidosis by ABC-ELISA

  5. 牛、猪红细胞表面异种抗原改造的比较

    Comparison of Modification of Surface Xenoantigens on Bovine and Porcine Erythrocytes

  6. 不同异种抗原胸腺修饰对延迟性异种排斥反应的作用研究

    The Effect of Intrathymic Inoculation to Delayed Xenograft Rejection with Different Xenogeneic Antigens

  7. 大鼠睾丸异种抗原的血清学筛选

    Serological Screening of Xenogeneic Antigens from Rat Testis

  8. 从健康人外周血中建立异种抗原特异性的T细胞系初探

    The generation of xeno-antigen specific T lymphocyte lines

  9. 异种抗原免疫序贯瘤内注射对瘤荷小鼠的免疫治疗作用

    Effect of sequential intratumoral injection of xenogeneic antigens for immunotherapy in immunized mice bearing S180 tumor

  10. 结论负载异种MHC抗原的免疫缺陷型DC预处理受体可诱导抗原特异性T细胞无能,以及TH1/TH2细胞因子的低表达,从而有效地延长异种胰岛细胞存活时间。

    Conclusions Immune-deficient DC pretreated with donor MHC antigen can induce antigen-specific nonfunction of T cells and low expression of TH1 / TH2 cytokines , and thus can effectively prolong the survival time of islet xenografts .

  11. 猪到人异种移植抗原与移植免疫研究

    Xenogeneic antigens and immune response in pig to man xenograft

  12. 异种丝虫抗原免疫酶染色试验诊断丝虫病的评价

    Evaluation of Heterologous Antigen in the diagnosis of Filariasis by Immunoenzymatic Staining Technique

  13. 这表明,酸处理的沙门氏菌作为异种细菌抗原的载体,在改变机体对某种抗原的免疫类型上具有一定的作用。

    Accordingly , it suggested that acid-treated bacteria as immune carrier could be of potential for altering the pattern of immune response to some antigens .

  14. 目的:本实验研究异种去抗原松质骨作为支架修复下颌骨缺损的效果及机制,探讨其作为替代自体骨修复骨缺损的可行性。

    Objective : In the present study , we investigate the effects and mechanisms of the allogeneic bone , as a scaffold , in repairing mandibular defect . We try to find out the applicability of the allogeneic bone in repairing bone defect instead of autogenous bone .

  15. H2O2具有良好的清除异种骨移植抗原的能力,但异种骨块的力学特性同时也遭到破坏。

    H_2O_2 had a powerful ability to erase the antigens of bone xenografts , but it could also destroy the mechanical properties of the bone xenografts .

  16. 同种和异种丝虫成虫抗原免疫动物后血清特异性抗体动态的研究

    Studies on dynamics of antibodies in sera from rabbits immunized with homologous and heterologous adult filarial antigens

  17. 重组合异种骨移植同源抗原刺激对脾细胞上清液中IL-2的影响

    Effect of Reconstituted Bone Xenograft ( RBX ) Implantation and Homologous Antigen Stimulation on IL-2 Activity in Supernatant of Spleen Cell Suspension

  18. 正常膀胱组织与异种血清均存在抗原抗体结合反应,主要发生于膀胱固有层及肌间隙的血管壁。

    Binding reaction of antigen and antibody existed between normal bladder tissue and xenogeneic serum , which occurred often at lamina propria of urinary bladder and dissepiment of muscle interspace .

  19. 异种移植的主要障碍为异种抗原被人血清中天然存在的抗体结合、激活补体导致的超急排斥反应。

    The major obstacle in xenograft is hyperacute rejection , which is caused by complements after they are activated by xenogeneic antigens combined with natural antibodies .