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nònɡ chén
  • favourite courtier;powerful minister
弄臣 [nòng chén]
  • [court favorite] 帝王狎昵的臣子

  • 宫廷弄臣

  1. 从今天起。你就是我的新弄臣。

    From this day , you 'll be my new fool .

  2. 歌剧《弄臣》中悲剧性人物利哥莱托的形象初步分析

    The Image Anatomy of the Tragical Character Rigoletto in the Opera Rigoletto

  3. 罗宾汉:我知道,他会让我成为宫廷弄臣。

    Robin Hood : I know , he 'll make me court jester .

  4. 弄臣命运是蜚滋和弄臣的最后一本书吗?

    Is Fool 's Fate the last book about Fitz and the Fool ?

  5. 威尔第歌剧《弄臣》吉尔达形象塑造及审美特征

    The Image-building and Aesthetic Characteristics of Gilda in Verdi 's Opera " Rigoletto "

  6. 有时,可以说,是个弄臣。

    Almost , at times , the Fool .

  7. 歌剧重唱这一艺术表现形式在《弄臣》这部歌剧中有着很重要的地位,其艺术水平也具有相当的代表性。

    The form of the artistic representation of ensemble played a vital role in the opera & Rigoletto .

  8. 有的人贬低屈原,说他是文学弄臣;

    Some people depreciate Qu Yuan , saying he was " a man of literature for the imperial court " .

  9. 文章主要研究歌剧《弄臣》中吉尔达的角色特点、艺术特征。

    This article mainly researches and analysises the characteristic and artistic features of the role of Gilda in opera Rigoletto .

  10. 旺·旺着迷地瞪着他看,可是等他伸手去捉,弄臣叮叮当当地向后跳开了。

    Wun Wun gaped at him with fascination , but when the giant reached for him the fool hopped back away , jingling .

  11. 这些藉著荣誉与实质虚荣的弄臣,在瞬间以铁丝网包裹脆弱而可怜的自尊,在夕阳下喘息。

    These jesters wrapped their fragile and poor dignities by barbed wires instantly through the honor and vanity and gasped in the sunset .

  12. 近年来,她还与中国交响乐团合作演出了歌剧《弄臣》,与中国爱乐乐团演出新年音乐会。

    In recent years , she also performed opera " Rigoletto " with the China Symphony Orchestra and performed in New Year Concert with the China Philharmonic Orchestra .

  13. 这句话博得了大声喝采。左不过是主人宫廷里的一名弄臣,既被纵容又受到轻视,博得宽厚的主人一声赞许而已。

    This word was received with loud cheers . A jester at the court of his master , indulged and disesteemed , winning a clement master 's praise .

  14. 作为音乐指导他指导了第一、第三届中央音乐学院音乐节公演剧码《弄臣》、《茶花女》等歌剧选场的音乐作业。

    Musical director of selected scenes of public opera performance'Rigoletto ' , 'La Traviata'as well as others in the First and Third Music Festival of Central Conservatory of Music .

  15. 他将于节目上半场演唱《卡门》序曲、威尔第歌剧《弄臣》中的〈善变的女人〉等经典歌剧选曲。

    In the first half of the concert he will sing the overture for " Carmen " and " La Donna E Mobile " from Giuseppe Verdi 's Rigoletto .

  16. 以艺术之名,每年在全美各大“创意理发”秀上,狗狗们总是被剪的剪、染的染(见上图),变身为野牛、宫廷弄臣乃至一只蝎子!

    In the name of art , dogs have all been sheared and colored into a bison , a court jester and a scorpion at creative grooming'shows around America every year .

  17. 本文对威尔第歌剧《弄臣》重唱的研究,立足于作品音乐本体的分析,进一步论证重唱在歌剧中的戏剧功能及其审美价值。

    The study in this paper bases on the analysis to the music itself , and then gives further proof of the dramatic function and aesthetic value of duet in opera .

  18. 王后抓住希琳公主把她往后拉,她的骑士们伸手握住剑柄,弄臣警觉地想跑开,却失去平衡,一屁股摔坐在雪堆上。

    The queen grabbed hold of Princess Shireen and pulled her back , her knights reached for their swords , and Patchface reeled away in alarm , lost his footing , and plopped down on his arse in a snowdrift .