
shì jūn
  • regicide
  1. 他通过弑君登上了沙皇宝座。

    He had become czar through regicide .

  2. TAD会有新的胜利条件,例如弑君吗?

    Will there be new winning conditions in TAD , like Regicide ?

  3. 一些弑君者被判处死刑。

    Some of the regicides were sentenced to death .

  4. 这事只要问问“弑君者”詹姆·兰尼斯特。这家伙在“日落国度”维斯特洛(Westeros)的离职面谈最不堪。

    Just ask Jaime " Kingslayer " Lannister , the guy with the worst exit interview in Westeros .

  5. 与其弟“弑君者”詹姆.兰尼斯特。

    And her brother Jaime Lannister , . The Kings layer .

  6. 明代蒙古史上的弑君事件及其前因后果20世纪中国蒙古史研究述略

    A summarized account of China 's researches on Mongolian history in 20th century

  7. 那是个类似弑君的人。

    He was a quasi-regicide .

  8. 我也非常乐意,爵士.我选择我的兄弟詹姆.弑君�

    I wouldn 't be too glad , Ser . I name my brother Jaime Lannister . The Kingslayer

  9. 当然,在叛乱或是弑君之前,你得确定你要诛杀的是一位暴君

    Of course , before doing so , he says ," you must call him first a tyrant . "

  10. 告示上写着要缉拿一个弑君者归案,悬赏五百金币,上面还有该犯的绘影图形。

    offering five hundred gold coins for the apprehension of a parricide , and containing a description of his person .

  11. 如果我拿弑君者去交换我的两个妹妹。我旗下的封臣怕是会将我倒吊城墙之上。

    If I trade the Kings layer for two girls , my banner men will string me up by my feet .

  12. 一百枚金龙币赌弑君者赢。詹姆·兰尼斯特骑着优雅的血棕色战马进场时,小指头高声宣布。

    A hundred golden dragons on the Kingslayer , Littlefinger announced loudly as Jaime Lannister entered the lists , riding an elegant blood bay destrier .

  13. 剑或长枪,牙齿或指甲-什么武器随你挑让我们在此时此地解决问题.如果我们照你的方式去做,弑君者,

    Swords or lances , teeth , nails-choose your weapons and let 's end this here and now . If we do it your way , Kingslayer ,

  14. 取悦她?伊利里欧失去理智了么?他怎么会认为女王陛下会高兴欢迎一个自己承认是弑君者和叛徒的人加盟?

    Please her ? Has Illyrio taken leave of his senses ? Why does he imagine that Her Grace would welcome the service of a self-confessed kingslayer and betrayer ?

  15. 上次比武会,他可让'弑君者'的金屁股好好摔了一跤,你真该来瞅瞅瑟曦当时的表情,我笑到肚子痛。

    Last tourney , he dumped the Kingslayer on his golden rump , you ought to have seen the look on Cersei 's face . I laughed till my sides hurt .

  16. 亚里士多德关于人类是政治动物的教义,贺伯斯深信,仅能导致且确实导致,弑君行为,谋杀国王。

    Aristotle 's doctrine that man is a political animal , Hobbes believed , could only result and did result , in fact , in regicide , the murder of kings .

  17. 而泰温大人正带着另一支兰尼斯特军队从南方进逼.我们的斥候报告说其规模比弑君者的更庞大.管他一支还是两支军队,北境之王…能够打垮十倍优势的敌人.母亲!

    And Lord Tywin is bringing around a second Lannister army from the South . Our scouts confirm it 's even larger than the Kingslayer 's. One army or two , the Kings in the North threw back hosts 10 times as large . Mother !
