
yǐn dǎo sǎn
  • pilot chute;extractor parachute;initial parachute;pilot parachute
  1. 在X&38计划的减速伞和超音速引导伞、在SDW减速稳定伞和主伞以及PLER伞上应用,均获得成功。

    It has been successfully used in the X-38 drogue chute and its supersonic pilot chute , the SDW main chute , its drogue chute and the PLER parachute .

  2. 文章介绍了引导伞减速伞的开伞过程建模及应用分析代码(RVAC)和图形动画(DISPLAY)的实例。

    This paper describes how to model the deployment of pilot and drogue parachutes , introduces some examples using Reentry Vehicle Analysis Code ( RVAC ) and animation software ( DISPLAY ) .

  3. 为了研究航弹柔性开舱可靠性,通过分析动态条件下弹簧引导伞的运动过程,获知弹尾部流场的复杂性;

    By analyzing the motion of the spring guided umbrella in dynamic conditions it is found that the flow field in the rear of bomb is very complicated .

  4. 依据流体动力学原理,建立了弹簧引导伞计算模型,由能量守恒原理,得出了柔性开舱可靠性的判定依据。

    Based on the principle of hydrodynamics and conservation of energy , a simulation model of the spring guided umbrella is established and the reliability criterion of flexible cabin opening is obtained .

  5. 对空空导弹回收的可行性进行了分析,对回收系统方案进行了初步探索,分析了空空导弹的回收特点,计算了相关参数,提出弹射抛伞和引导抛伞两种较为可行的空空导弹回收技术。

    This paper makes feasibility analysis of air-to-air missile , and makes a primary discussing for the retrieve system , analyzes its characteristics and calculates correlative parameters , then brings forward ejection parachute scheme and pilot parachute scheme of air-to-air missile retrieve technology .