
  • 网络freudianism;Freudian theory;Freudian
  1. 由于受到非理性思潮、弗洛伊德学说以及梦幻绘画先驱的影响,超现实主义成为美术史上第一个全面、深入探讨人类深层意识领域的画派。

    Due to the affect from the irrationalism , Freudianism and dreamlike painting pioneers , Surrealism became the first painting faction that probed into deep human consciousness field completely and thoroughly .

  2. 他是个不折不扣、传统守旧的弗洛伊德学说信奉者。

    He was a strict , old-school Freudian .

  3. 她是弗洛伊德学说的鼓吹者。

    She 's an exponent of the opinions of Freud .

  4. 论弗洛伊德学说的哲学和理性本质

    On philosophic and rational essence of Freud 's theory

  5. 论郭沫若对弗洛伊德学说的借鉴

    On Guo Moruo ′ s Use of Freud ′ s Theories for Reference

  6. 弗洛伊德学说为艾略特的诗作提供了形式及理论上的参考。

    Freud 's theory provides a formal and theoretical reference for Eliot 's poems .

  7. 诠释弗洛伊德学说是张爱玲作品的主要内容。

    To explain Sigmond · Frued 's theories was the main contents of ZHANG Ai-ling 's works .

  8. 这说明在桑塔格反对弗氏学说的同时,她在某种程度上也是受弗洛伊德学说影响的。

    This proves that except for objection , Sontag is , to some extent , also influenced by Freud .

  9. 纵观茨威格的小说创作,我们发现其创作受弗洛伊德学说的影响是事实。

    Reading all his novels , we find a fact that Zweig 's novel writing is influenced by Freud 's theory .

  10. 弗洛伊德学说认为,他的潜意识里有一种被压抑的欲望。他要杀他的父亲,娶他的母亲。

    Unconsciously , according to the Freudians , he has a repressed desire to kill his father and marry his mother .

  11. 西方现代文化对白先勇创作的影响是多方面的,比如基督教的悲悯情怀、存在主义文学和弗洛伊德学说等等。

    Western modern culture affects his creation in many aspects , such as sympathy of Christianity , existentialism and Freudism and so on .

  12. 20世纪初中期,受特定社会环境、存在主义、弗洛伊德学说、客观唯心主义哲学的影响,意识流创作技巧在西方小说和电影创作中得到广泛应用。

    Under the influence of Freud 's psychological theory and special social and economical environment , the technique of Stream of Consciousness has been applied in western literary works and film production widely since early twentieth century .

  13. 弗洛伊德的学说对他的创作思想也产生了巨大的影响。

    Also he is greatly influenced by Sigmund Freud and his theories .

  14. 从中我们可以看出弗洛伊德的学说与柏拉图的哲学思想在非理性主义本质上存在着深厚的渊源关系。

    Through analysis , we can see there is a deep original rela - tion of irrationalism between Plato 's philosophy and Freud 's theory .

  15. 深入探寻弗洛伊德性学说的底蕴,澄清他的性力、原欲概念的内涵,真正领悟其升华思想的真谛,才有可能拓宽我们的视野,深化对复杂纷繁的人的精神世界的研究。

    After deeply clarifying the principles of Freud 's sex theory , making the conceptions of his libido clear , and thoroughly comprehending the meaning of the sublimation , we can broaden our vision and deepen the exploration of the complicated human mental world .

  16. 弗洛伊德精神分析学说对儿童教育的启示

    Revelation of Depth Psychology Theory of Freud to Children Education

  17. 论弗洛伊德精神分析学说对美国迷茫一代作家的影响

    Freud 's Psychoanalysis and its Influence on American " Lost Generation " Writers

  18. 自我本我和超我的挣扎&从弗洛伊德精神分析学说看莎菲女士心理

    The Psychological Struggle among Ego , Id and Superego

  19. 这一主题直指19世纪末20世纪初在西方兴起的弗洛伊德精神分析学说的核心。

    The theme is just the core of the psycho-analysis theory derived from the end of the 19'century .

  20. 奥尼尔人生哲学的成份构成比较复杂,其中既有古希腊命运观念的影响,又有叔本华悲观主义、尼采权力意志和弗洛伊德精神分析学说等思潮的影响。

    O'Neill 's life philosophy is complicated . It is influenced by pessimism , the will of power and psychoanalysis .

  21. 鲁迅与弗洛伊德的心理分析学说

    Theories of psychological analysis of Luxun and Freud

  22. 接着我为大家概要地介绍了,一些基本的心理学知识,介绍了弗洛伊德和斯金纳的学说。

    And then we moved to some general introductions to some foundational ideas in the study of psychology , Freud and Skinner .

  23. 弗洛伊德的心理分析学说在很多年都占据主导地位,后来20世纪中期受到行为认知疗法和人文主义心理学的挑战。

    Sigmund Freud 's psychoanalytic theory dominated the field for many years before it was challenged by Behavioral and cognitive therapy and humanistic psychology in the mid-20th century .

  24. 尤金·奥尼尔的思想也深受弗洛伊德及其精神分析学说的影响,这主要是心理结构理论及无意识理论;

    The ideology of Eugene O'Neill was also greatly influenced by Freud and his psychoanalysis theory . The influences mainly are his person 's psychology fabric and . unconscious concepts ;

  25. 弗洛伊德把精神分析学说运用于对宗教心理根源的考察,认为宗教是俄狄浦斯情结惧父心理的无意识转移的产物。

    Freud applied psychoanalysis to the study of psychological origin of religion , believing that religion is the product of Oedipus complex that demonstrates fear of one 's father , and the change of sub consciousness .

  26. 弗洛伊德与马克思&关于弗洛伊德学说与马克思理论比较中的几个问题

    Freud and Marx & A Few Issues in the Comparison between Freud and Marx

  27. 尼采的酒神/日神二元结构也是对弗洛伊德本我、自我、超我三元人格结构的启发,尼采的思想深刻地影响了弗洛伊德的精神分析学说。

    COMMENTS ON LACAN 'S STRUCTURALIST PSYCHOANALYSIS The concepts of Dionysus and Apollo had influence on Freud 's theory of personality structure of Id , Ego and Superego .