
fú lái bǎo xué pài
  • Freiburg School;Freibury school
弗莱堡学派[fú lái bǎo xué pài]
  1. 根据弗莱堡学派的思想,市场是必要的,然而是不完善的。

    According to Freiburg school 's thought , the market is necessary , but is imperfect .

  2. 弗莱堡学派的竞争秩序论及其在联邦德国的政策运用

    Theories on Competition Order of Freiburg School and Their Application to the Federal Republic of Germany

  3. 这条道路的体制模式是德国弗莱堡学派提出的有秩序的市场经济或社会市场经济。

    The road follows the institutional mode advocated by the German Freiburg school 's orderly market economy or social market economy .

  4. 第一部分:论述弗莱堡学派的经济理论即竞争秩序论。竞争秩序论是苏格兰启蒙运动思想的延续,尤其是秩序的概念。

    The first chapter analyzes Freiburg school 's economic theory , theories on competition order , which is the Scottish Enlightenment thought continuing , in particular " order " concept .

  5. 德国弗莱堡学派的主要功绩是,它在第二次世界大战后的欧洲复活了经济自由主义,并使这个主义以完全崭新的面貌出现在国际社会。

    The main achievements of Freiburg school is that it revived of economic liberalism in Europe after the Second World War , and this is a completely new look in the international community .

  6. 弗莱堡学派认为经济政策的目标是实现竞争秩序,为此国家的经济政策必须围绕如何建立并维护竞争秩序,在此秩序下实现完全竞争。

    They advocated the goal of the economic policy is realizes the competition order , So the national economic policy must revolve how to establish and maintain competition order , and realizes completely competition under this order .

  7. 第四部分:以德国《反限制竞争法》为例论述这一经济宪法在国家经济、社会生活中的具有的举足轻重地位,进一步阐明弗莱堡学派所主张的竞争秩序论。

    The last chapter , take Germany 's ' Law of Cartel ' as a example to elaborate this economic constitution plays a important role in the state economy and social life , further expounded the theories of competition order advocated by Freiburg school .

  8. 第三部分:战后联邦德国的社会市场经济是弗莱堡学派经济理论的成功实践,它是市场经济与国家干预的结合,实现了战后联邦德国经济的腾飞。

    The third chapter , After the Second World War , the Federal Republic of Germany was successful in applying Freiburg school 's economic theories to social market economy , it 's united market economy and the state intervention , prompted the Federal Republic of Germany economy to soar .