
  1. 咨询公司罗兰贝格(RolandBerger)的合伙人张君毅表示,这导致中国工程问题的挑战性增加。

    That makes for a more challenging engineering problem in China , said Junyi Zhang , a partner with the consulting firm Roland Berger .

  2. 罗兰贝格(RolandBerger)驻上海的张君毅表示:即使在本土市场,中国汽车也无法与欧美对手竞争,更别提在美国和欧洲市场了。

    Even in the domestic market , Chinese cars cannot compete with European and American cars , not to mention in the US and European markets , says Zhang Junyi of Roland Berger in Shanghai .

  3. 驻上海汽车咨询顾问张君毅表示,中国尤其缺乏具备管理其他工程师经验的工程师。

    " Sure there are many engineers in China ," says Bill Russo , of Synergistics auto consultancy in Beijing , former head of Chrysler in China .