
  • 网络Audrey Zhang
  1. 除了作品被展示在谷歌主页,张天羽还获得了3万美元的大学奖学金。

    Along with having her artwork featured on Google 's homepage , Zhang wins a $ 30,000 college scholarship .

  2. 周日也就是张天羽的作品被谷歌展示的前一天,她接受纽约长岛报纸《新闻日》的采访,表示自己对获奖感到兴奋,但不会熬夜等自己的作品上线。

    On Sunday , the night before the Doodle debuted , Zhang told Newsday she was " excited " by the big win , but said she wouldn 't be awake when her art first went online at midnight .

  3. 张天羽的作品“非常丰富和完整”,谷歌涂鸦团队领导瑞安·格米克对《华盛顿邮报》表示,“仿佛每片树叶都有生命”。

    Zhang 's piece is " so lush and so rich and so full and so complete , " Google Doodle team leader Ryan Germick told the Washington Post . " Every leaf seemed to have life in it . "

  4. 纽约州莱维敦的五年级学生张天羽在10万名参赛者中脱颖而出,赢得了本年度谷歌国际少年绘画大赛冠军。这次比赛的主题是“画一个能使世界变得更好的东西”。

    Audrey Zhang , a fifth-grader from Levittown , N.Y. , is the winner of this year 's Doodle 4 Google competition , rising to the top of some 100000 entries on the theme of " draw one thing to make the world a better place . "

  5. 为了让世界更好,我想到了一台革命性的净水器谷歌引用了张天羽的原话,它能够大量转化江河湖海里的污水,把它们变成安全卫生的净水。

    To make the world a better place , I invented a transformative water purifier , Google quoted Zhang as saying . It takes in dirty and polluted water from rivers , lakes and even oceans , then massively transforms the water into clean , safe and sanitary water .