
  1. 为把Facebook变成私人消息产品,扎克伯格可能还有很多其他方面要向微信创始人张小龙学习。

    To make Facebook a private messaging product , Mr. Zuckerberg may have a lot else to learn from Allen Zhang , the creator of WeChat .

  2. 张小龙以对精良服务设计的完美主义追求而著称。

    Mr. Zhang is famous for his perfectionist pursuit of a well-designed service .

  3. 当腾讯的营收部门催促着想要在微信上投放更多广告时,张小龙在公司内部打了很多场仗。

    Mr. Zhang fought many internal battles when Tencent 's revenue department pushed to put more ads on WeChat .

  4. 虽然张小龙很少在公开场合露面,但今年1月,他出人意料地现身一档播客节目。

    While he is rarely seen in public , Mr Zhang made a surprise appearance on a podcast in January .

  5. 张小龙,也被称为微信之父,他强调,小程序不是一个移动应用程序的分发功能。

    Zhang , known as the father of WeChat , emphasized that Little Program is not a mobile app distributing function .

  6. 这在很大程度上要归功于行事低调的微信创始人张小龙——受中国互联网用户顶礼膜拜的偶像。

    Much of that is down to Zhang Xiaolong , WeChat 's reclusive creator , who is a cult figure among Chinese internet users .

  7. 张小龙的答案是:很多中国人花大量时间——大约他们上网时间的三分之一——在微信上,他说。

    Mr. Zhang 's answer : Many Chinese spent a lot of time - about one third of their online time - on WeChat , he said .

  8. 张小龙已将克制作为他的产品哲学,他一直很幸运,因为腾讯大部分营利来自在线游戏,所以不需要靠卖广告赚钱。

    Mr. Zhang , who has made restraint his product philosophy , has been lucky because Tencent makes most of its money from online games so that it does not need to sell ads for revenue .

  9. 观察人士表示,张小龙似乎不仅是在向公众,也是在向腾讯管理层传递一种信息,因为他正面临通过增加广告、添加功能来让微信创收的压力。

    Observers said Mr Zhang appeared to be delivering a message not just to the public , but to Tencent 's management , amid pressure to " monetise " WeChat by increasing advertising and adding functions .