
  • 网络falling;fallin;Zhang
  1. 我们给饭厅添了一张新桌子。

    We got a new table for the dining room .

  2. 这张新的歌曲专辑一举登上了周销售量榜首。

    The new album went straight to number one .

  3. 内阁现在共有6张新面孔。

    All together there are six new faces in the cabinet .

  4. 她放进了一张新的滤纸。

    She slotted in a fresh filter .

  5. 然后你会收到一张新的卡片写着新的个人识别号码。

    The new card you receive will come with a new personal identificatipn number ( PIN ) .

  6. 你真的应该扔掉那张肮脏的旧沙发,然后再去买张新的。

    You really should throw out that filthy old sofa and get a new one .

  7. 我一整周都在循环播放我最喜欢的乐队发布的这张新专辑,我完全被它迷住了。

    I 'm totally besotted with this new album from my favourite band – I 've been playing it on a loop all week !

  8. 讲解:1.这段对话说的是美国歌坛女王Madonna。Andy听说Madonna最近刚刚出了一张新专辑。Madonnhasreleasedanewalbum.“发行专辑”,这里用的是release这个词。

    Andy : I hear Madonna has released a new album .

  9. 约翰看上了这张新CD,正在存钱准备买下。

    John has his eye on the new CD , and is saving money to buy it .

  10. 嘿!放轻松点!被我刮伤的那张CD我会买一张新的还给你。

    Hey ! Lighten up ! I 'll buy you a replacement CD for the one I scratched .

  11. 但一张新世纪式的励志DVD绝不可能对伍德维尔产生吸引力。

    A new Agey self-help video was the last thing that would appeal to Woodwell .

  12. 把这张新的纸样放到一张透明纸上再一次画下整个轮廓标出A点A1点和B点,为下一步骤做准备。

    Place this new bodice pattern onto a clean sheet of paper and redraw around the outline , marking in points A-A1 and B in preparation for the next stage .

  13. 我一个月买3张CD左右,他说道,并展示了他的六张新唱片,包括滚石乐队(RollingStones)的经典专辑《主街流放》(ExileonMainSt.)和一些最新的日本流行金曲。

    I buy around three CDs a month , he said , showing off a haul of six new albums , including the Rolling Stones ' classic Exile on Main St. and an assortment of the latest Japanese pop hits .

  14. 她将于10月27日发行的第五张新专《1989》,其中的单曲《ShakeItOff》已于8月发布。斯威夫特称她将暂时告别乡村音乐,制作首张流行音乐专辑。

    In August , with the release of Shake It Off , the first single from her forthcoming fifth album 1989 , out on Oct 27 , Swift announced she 'd take a break from country music to produce her first pop album .

  15. 本周,我就免费听了贾斯汀•汀布莱克(JustinTimberlake)的整张新专辑The20/20Experience,该专辑现在可以以10.99美元的价格预订。

    This week , I listened free of charge to Justin Timberlake 's entire new album , ' The 20 / 20 Experience , ' which can be preordered now for $ 10.99 .

  16. 所以,我快速阅读了一下,她看着屏幕一段时间,然后我建议点击右上边的按钮,来买一张新的Charlie票,不管怎样,那是一张有值票,可以通过。

    So , I did some reading quickly and she looked at the screen for a moment and then I suggested we hit the top right button to purchase new Charlie Ticket , whatever that is , value tickets and passes .

  17. 他是一位和他的乐团“UTTARAKURU”创作过两张新音声唱片的作曲家和编曲家。

    He is a composer and arranger who has created two albums of new sounds with his new group " UTTARA KURU " .

  18. 两位中国学者张新和蒋殿春,从GDP计算体系和经济增加值(EVA)分析方法着眼,针对性的回答了Rawski所提出的质疑,并且系统分析了中国经济增长的微观基础。

    Xin Zhang and Dianchun Jiang , two Chinese economic scholars utilize the GDP system and economic value - added ( EVA ) analytical method to answer Rawski s querying , and systematically analyze the micro - foundation of Chinas economic growth .

  19. 我们必须找一个地方放这张新照片。

    We have to detect a area for this fashionable picture .

  20. 好的,我再为您申请一张新的。

    Ok , I will register a new one for you .

  21. 一般说每年总有好几张新面孔。

    There are usually quite a few new faces every year .

  22. 他昨天给他的儿子买了一张新写字台。

    1 he bought his son a new writing desk yesterday .

  23. 这张新的订单意味着我们得加班加点。

    This new order will mean that we should work overtime .

  24. 真的?我想我需要换张新卡了。

    Really ? I guess need to get a new one .

  25. 你每一轮要抽一张新的牌。

    You have to draw a new card on each turn .

  26. 我是王南。我买了一张新光盘。

    This is Wang nan . I bought a new cd .

  27. 他的两张新专辑也录制好并且开始发售。

    Two new albums of the artist were prepared and released .

  28. 这张新专辑吸引所有的年轻听众。

    This new CD will appeal to all young listeners .

  29. 将此幻灯片中的每个段落展开为一张新幻灯片

    Make a new slide for each paragraph on this slide

  30. 我才刚申请加入一张新的信用卡。

    I just signed up for a new credit card .