
  • 网络Zhang Sheng;Jesse;Sang Cheung
  1. 也许本地酒馆出现一张生面孔。

    Maybe there 's a new face in the local boozers .

  2. 实验性精索静脉曲张生精上皮的超微结构观察

    An Ultrastructural Study on Germinal Epithelium of Experimental Varicocele

  3. 轻盈如羽毛,又结实得像张生牛皮,可仍然那么美丽动人呀。

    Feather light and strong as rawhide , and pretty enough to kiss for all that .

  4. 张生在西厢安顿下来,渐从小和尚口中探知莺莺小姐每夜要至花园烧香。

    After settling in the Western Chamber , Scholar Chang learned from a young monk that Ying-ying went to the garden to burn incense every night .

  5. 剧本描写了崔莺莺和张生的爱情故事,歌颂了他们追求自由婚姻、反抗封建礼教的精神,提出了“愿普天下有情人都成眷属”的主题。

    This play , a love story of Cui Yingying and Zhang Sheng , acclaimed their courage in the pursuit of a free marriage in opposition to feudal ethics , declaring that ," all those in love shall be wedded " .

  6. 你来了,我们在一起这是一张逃出生天的卡片。

    You 're here , and we 're together , and it 's a get-out-of-jail-free card .

  7. 要想真正参与竞争,他们必须高中毕业,然后大学毕业,或许还得拿一张研究生文凭。

    To really compete , they need to graduate high school , and then they need to graduate college , and they probably need a graduate degree too .

  8. 本文试图从金融角度,总结张謇及大生资本集团的经验教训,以期为当今中国的企业界和金融界,提供一些历史借鉴。

    In the article , historical experience and lessons were summarized from financial point , for the purpose of giving use for reference to entrepreneurs and financiers in Chian today .