
  1. 三张连在一起的牌叫一副,有三副另加一对牌者为胜。

    Three together is called a license , there are three additional licenses for a pair of wins .

  2. 在玩法上,除了三张连在一起的牌可以成为一副以外,三张相同的牌也可以成为一副。

    In the playing method , besides the three together can be a license , the same three can also be a license .

  3. 音乐节目主持人说他喜欢这个演唱组,尽管他们的第一张唱片连排行榜都没进。

    The DJ said he liked the group , although their first record didn 't even chart .

  4. 王宝,由王宝强扮演,一定程度上就是普通中国人的代表,笨笨的,常被嘲笑,到哪儿都要比个V字照张相,连旅馆的椅子都不放过。

    Wang , played by Wang Baoqiang , is something of a Chinese everyman , silly and easily mocked , wanting to photograph himself flashing a peace sign in front of everything , including the hotel chairs .

  5. 他一把抓着那张信纸,连诗一道扔到一边,弄得这朵花儿也落到地上了。

    He took hold of the letter very roughly , and threw the verses away , so that the Flower fell on the ground .