
  1. 本文以力的作用原理简单阐述了弹奏和弦所需要用的力,力的传递对和弦力度的影响,力和力作用时间对和弦音色的影响。

    The paper expounds the strength for playing the piano chord through the action principle of strength , the influence of transmission of strength on chord strength and the influence of action time of strength and strength on chore 's musical quality .

  2. 每当你弹奏这些和弦时,它们对你的意义要比你以前所做的未经考虑的漫不经心的演奏多许多。

    Whenever you play these chords , they will mean a lot more to you than the thoughtless meandering you were previously doing .

  3. 星星也会弹奏音乐,拨弄和弦。

    The planets also play notes and strike chords .