
  1. 实行弹性资本比例管理。

    Implement the elastic capital proportion management .

  2. 公司是一系列不完备的契约的结合,规模与效率要求弹性的资本制度;

    A firm means a round of incomplete contracts . Scale , efficiency and competition require flexible capital system .

  3. 我们目前正沿着这样一条金融改革路线行进,它以有弹性的资本及流动性为主要关注点,但缺少对经济增长的充分考虑。

    We are now heading down a route of financial reform focused primarily on resilient capital and liquidity without adequate consideration of economic growth .

  4. 众所周知,在投资的基准模型中,企业面临具有完全弹性的资本供给并能无成本的调整自己的资本存量。

    It is well known that in the baseline model firms face a perfectly elastic supply of capital goods and can adjust their capital stocks costlessly .

  5. 中国改革开放以来的数据证实了公共资本的高产出弹性和资本积累过程中的巨大外部性。

    Empirical datas show the high elasticity of output with respect to public capital and large externalities to capital accumulation after the China economic reforms ( 1978 ) .

  6. 未来人民币汇率将更富有弹性,资本市场也将更为开放,这将使金融市场面临更大的外部冲击。

    In future , the RMB exchange rate will be more elastic , while the capital market openness be enhanced , which would bring the domestic financial markets with greater external shocks .

  7. 资本结构弹性是资本结构调整和优化的重要前提.本文研究资本结构弹性的意义、分类特征以及资本结构弹性对于资本结构调整的主要影响。

    Capital structure elasticity is on important premise to capital structure adjustment and optimization , and thus its meaning , categorized characteristics and the major influence over capital structure adjustment is studied closely .

  8. 汇率弹性化与资本市场的风险控制

    The Elasticity of Foreign Exchange Rate and Risk Control of Capital Market

  9. 计算结果表明,人力资本水平在河南省经济增长中的产出弹性大于人力资本存量的产出弹性,人力资本的间接贡献仍然较低。

    And the indirect contribution rate to economic growth of Henan is lower .

  10. 要素间替代性的研究发现劳动对能源的替代弹性显著,资本和能源之间为互补关系。

    The research of inter-factor found that the relationship of labor to energy is substitute , the relationship between capital and energy is complementary .

  11. 金融市场的结构变化等。针对汇率弹性化给资本市场带来的潜在风险,文章提出了政策工具和政策手段上的创新思路。

    As to the potential risk on capital market due to FX elasticity , the paper proposes several creative thoughts on policy instrument and methods .

  12. 弹性汇率制度下资本控制的经济效应&一个基于修正的Dornbusch超调模型的动态学分析

    The Impacts of Capital Controls on the Economy under Flexible Exchange Rate Regime

  13. 结果显示:无论在外生技术进步的假定下,还是在技术由资本积累内生引致的假定下,公共资本的产出弹性均高于私人资本。

    It is evident that the higher elasticity of output with respect to public capital , no matter on the assumption of exogenous technology advancement or technology is considered to endogenously evolve as a function of capital accumulation .

  14. 摘要将资本因素引入供给函数,并考虑到外汇市场微观结构,可以构建一个弹性汇率制和资本有限流动下的宏观经济模型。

    For drawing the capital factor into the supplying function and considering the microcosmic structure of the exchange market , a springy exchange rate system and a macrocosmic economic model under the limited capital float condition may be set up .

  15. 文章分析了人民币汇率弹性化对本国资本市场的各种影响,包括短期境外资本流入带来的乘数效应;国外利率变化、货币政策或财政政策的变动引发的利率、资本的波动;

    This paper analyses different kinds of effects of elasticity of RMB FX rate on domestic capital market , including multiplier effect of capital inflow , the volatility of domestics and international interest rate , monetary and fiscal policy , the structural reform in financial market , etc.