
qiáng guāng
  • Strong light;blaze
强光[qiáng guāng]
  1. 我闭上眼睛以防强光的照射。

    I closed my eyes against the bright light .

  2. 这些太阳镜是为减少刺眼的强光而设计的。

    These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare .

  3. 即使把灯打到了最强光我还是看不了多远。

    Even with the lights on full beam I couldn 't see very far .

  4. 牧师紧闭双眼,以避开强光。

    The priest 's eyes were squeezed shut against the light .

  5. 大多数植物都要尽量避免强光直射。

    Most plants prefer to be lightly shaded from direct , hot sunlight

  6. 突然,刺眼的强光照亮了整个房间。

    Suddenly the room filled with intense light

  7. 专用眼镜可使强光减弱。

    Special-purpose glasses reduce glare .

  8. 他们看见一道强光和一个巨大的火球冲向数百英尺的高空。

    They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky

  9. 电视镁光灯的强光让他直眨眼睛,他努力不让自己的恼怒表现出来。

    He tried not to let his irritation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights .

  10. 我们必须要用强光来穿透这层薄雾。

    We shall need a strong light to penetrate through this mist .

  11. 这盏灯发放出强光。

    The lamp sends out a powerful beam .

  12. 所以,在一个嘈杂的餐馆里的荧光灯的强光下,我吃了很辣的猪肉饺。

    Instead , I ate chili-slathered pork dumplings in the fluorescent glare of a noisy restaurant .

  13. 墨镜有效地阻隔强光保护眼睛。

    Dark glasses is an effective shield against the glare .

  14. 为能在强光下显示,采用LED器件。

    By way of display in strong light , LED part was used .

  15. 拓普伐事业部负责强光电筒、LED照明灯具业务。

    " Topfire Department " is responsible for the glare torch light , LED lighting business .

  16. 纳米ZnO颗粒在阳极Al2O3模板中的强光致发光研究

    Studies on Intense Photoluminescence of Nano-ZnO Particles in Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membrane

  17. 非晶硅PIN太阳能电池在强光照射下的光电转换现象

    Photo-electrical Conversion Properties in Amorphous Silicon PIN Solar Cells at Strong Illumination

  18. 结果表明C3和C4植物对自然强光或光氧化作用响应的敏感性存在一定的差别。

    The results showed that there are certain differences of sensibility in response to natural strong light or photooxidation between C3 and C4 plants .

  19. 高浓度CO2改变了树木幼苗对强光和弱光的利用能力。

    Elevated CO-2 concentration could alter the ability of utilizing strong light and low light of seedlings .

  20. 增施P肥,无论是在弱或强光照条件下都有利于婆婆纳的生长,但在弱光照强度下并不能显著促进离子草的生长。

    Phosphorus application benefited growth of V.agrestis under either high or low light intensity , but the effect on C tenella was not significant under low light intensity ;

  21. 强光滑Banach空间的充要条件

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Strongly Smooth Banach Spaces

  22. 赋序列范数的矢值Banach序列空间的光滑性与强光滑性

    Smoothness and strong smoothness of vector-valued Banach sequence spaces equipped with sequential norms

  23. 关于Banach空间k-光滑性与k-强光滑性

    On the k - smooth and k - strong Smooth of Banach Space

  24. 突然,Clifford听到一声轰鸣,看到一束强光。

    Suddenly Clifford hears a roar and sees a bright light .

  25. Banach空间的强光滑性及对偶空间的严格凸性

    On the Strong Smoothness of Banach Spaces and the Strict Convexity of the Dual Spaces

  26. 强光滑Banach空间的一个特征

    A Characteristic of strongly smooth banach spaces

  27. 处方A制备的缓释微球在高湿条件下不稳定,而处方B制备的微球在高湿和强光条件下都表现出良好的稳定性。

    Microspheres prepared by formulation A were not stable in high humidity , whereas microspheres manufactured by formulation B showed good stability both in high humidity and strong light condition .

  28. 果实表皮组织中超氧阴离子自由基,SOD、POD和MDA对高温和强光胁迫的反应比较敏感。

    The changes of O2 - SOD , POD and MDA in fruit peel are sensitive to higher-temperature and intense-light stress .

  29. 结论盐酸林可霉素输液的pH为6.0时,样品在强光、高温、低温等条件下均稳定。因此,输液的pH上限以6.0为宜。

    CONCLUSION When the pH value of lincomycin hydrochloride injection was 6.02 , the sample was stable , and the limit value of upper pH should be 6.0 .

  30. 我们的研究结果表明经过强光处理3个小时后,无论野生型还是突变体,PSⅡ所受光抑制伤害比PSⅠ严重。

    Our results suggest that after treatment with strong irradiance of three hours , PSII was more suffered from photoinhibition than PSI .