
  1. 明代以后,官话以读书音的方式迅速传播开来,成为湘南地区的强势方言。

    By the way of literary pronunciation , the Mandarin dialects spread quickly and became the major dialects in Xiangnan .

  2. 总体而言,粤语作为强势方言,对闽、客方言有较明显的影响。

    On the whole , Yue dialect as a powerful dialect exerts obvious influence on both Min dialect and Hakka dialect ;

  3. 浪平高山汉话这一特殊方言岛的内在生命力仍十分顽强,并且由于西南官话目前在广西仍是一种强势方言,应该会在相当长的一段时间内存在。

    The internal vitality of Lang Ping dialect is quite strong , and since southwest mandarin is still a popular dialect , it will exit for a long time .

  4. 武鸣县属于北部壮语区,境内壮语为强势方言,但其县城及府城镇通行一种近似桂柳方言的官话。

    Wuming belongs to the northern Zhuang area , the territory of Zhuang strong dialect , but the county and government town to pass an approximate Gui Liu dialect of Mandarin .

  5. 普通话吸收了不少强势方言&北方话、粤语和吴方言的词语;4.某些原来废弃不用的老词语又恢复使用。

    And 3 . The standard Chinese ( Putonghua ) has also absorbed many words from some of its intensive dialects : Northern ( Beijing ), Yue ( Guangdong ) and Wu ( Shanghai ) .

  6. 晋语长期处在强势官话方言的包围之中,受官话方言的影响,晋语一直处在入声舒化的演变过程中,北部尤为明显。

    Being surrounded by the powerful Mandarin dialect for a long time and influenced by it , Jin group has been in evolvement of vanishing of tail vowel in entering tone , especially in northern area .