
qiánɡ diào zhònɡ yīn
  • emphatic stress
  1. 第四章对强调重音与焦点及预设的关系问题进行了探讨。

    . Chapter Four discusses the relations between emphatic stress and focus .

  2. 认为强调重音可分为对比式和强调式两类。

    Emphatic stress can be classified into two kinds : contrastive form and emphatic form .

  3. 高明明。《普通话语句强调重音韵律特徵的实验研究》。北京大学博士论文,1993。

    Gao , M.Experimental research on the prosody of contrastive accent in standard Chinese ( in Chinese ) . Doctoral dissertation , Peking University , 1993 .

  4. 指出为了特殊的交际目的,说话人也可以通过强调重音等手段,强制性地改变语句原有的焦点位置,使之形成有标记的信息焦点。

    For a special purpose , the speaker can change the original focus position of a sentence by emphasizing stress or other ways , making it become a marked information focus .

  5. 强调重音是一种聚焦手段,起到提示信息焦点的作用。又提出重音的设定不是任意的,而是受着预设的制约。

    Emphatic stress is a means of focus , which has the function to give cues of information focus . The enactment of stress is not arbitrary but is restricted by the preset enactment .

  6. 它特别强调语音重音音节,对比鲜明,富有节奏感。

    In particular , it stressed syllable accented voice , sharp contrast and full of rhythm .

  7. 通过韵律匹配度知觉实验和声学参数分析,探讨了句子层面上不同强调范围对句子重音知觉的影响。

    The research investigated the influence on the perception of sentence prominence when sentence prominence emphasizes different domains , and analyzes its acoustics parameter .