
  • 网络Yi language
  1. 变调在凉山彝语中的语法作用

    Grammatical Functions of Tonal Changes in Liangshan Speech Yi Language

  2. 根据问卷调查与访谈的结果,我们发现彝语存在着流失现象。

    Moreover , according to the results of questionnaire and interviews , it is found that Yi language is facing the danger of loss .

  3. 彝语功能范畴D(su33)的EPP特征较强,逼迫着其补足语移到其指示语位置,占据D指示语位置的成分,实际上就是其补足语。

    The EPP feature of the functional category D ( su33 ) is very strong and D forces its complement to move to its Spec position . So the constituent in its Spec is in fact its complement .

  4. 《彝语方言比较研究》(四川民族出版社);

    Comparative study of Yi dialects , Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House ;

  5. 语法方面的异同,彝语重词序,它的句子词序为:主语+宾语+谓语。

    That is " Subject + Object + Verb " .

  6. 彝语被动句式研究

    Research on the Passive Voice Pattern of Yi Language

  7. 《诗经》语言与彝语比较研究

    《 Book of Poetry 》 the Language and Comparative Study of Yi Language

  8. 彝语名词短语内部语序

    The Word Order of Noun Phrase in Yi Language

  9. 谈凉山彝语副词词法及其与形容词的区别

    Talking about the Morphology of Liangshan Yi Adverbs and It 's Difference with Adjectives

  10. 彝语方言松紧元音比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Loose Vowels and the Tight Vowels in Yi Dialects

  11. 良好的中文写作与会话能力,能听、说彝语优先考虑;

    Good written and spoken Chinese Language , with spoken Yi language an advantage ;

  12. 凉山彝语的话题结构&兼论话题与语序的关系

    The Topical Structure in Liangshan Yi Speech

  13. 论彝语、白语的音质和勺会厌肌带的关系&喉镜案例研究

    The Aryepiglottic Folds and Voice Quality in YI and Bai Languages : Laryngoscopic Case Studies

  14. 人们并不认为所有彝族人绝对要学习彝语。

    It is not even considered imperative that all people of Yi Ethnic Minority learn it .

  15. 彝语与彝语支亲属语言的结构助词比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Structural Auxiliary Words of the Yi Language and Its Related Branch Languages

  16. 其语音系统中包含有许多现代凉山彝语中已不存在的音素。

    Their phonetic system includes several phonemes that are no longer present in contemporary Liangshan Nuosu speech .

  17. 凉山彝语的被动句

    Passive in Liangshan Yi

  18. 通过英彝语句子基本成分的对比,揭示了它们在句法功能和表现形式上的差异。

    There exist similarities and disparities between sentence constituents in the aspects of syntactic function and representative form .

  19. 由于彝族人口分布较广,彝语的方言土语存在较大的分歧。

    There is a relatively big discrepancy in dialects of Yi due to the wide distribution of the population .

  20. 凉山彝语中有人称代词和动词通过变调改变语法关系的特殊语法现象。

    This paper discusses the special grammar phenomena of personal pronoun and verb of Yi language in Liangshan by modifying tone .

  21. 当地村民很少讲汉语,日常用语以彝语为主,打歌调中皆用彝语演唱。

    Local villagers rarely speak the language , daily language is given priority to with yi , sung in Yi Clan tuning .

  22. 第三部分,结合材料,分析白-彝语四音格的语义及语义内涵。

    In the third part , this paper analyses the semantics and semantic meanings of the tetrasyllabic words in Bai and Yi languages .

  23. 彝语是有声调语言,声调是彝语的主要特征之一,其功能主要是区别词义和语法意义。

    As a language with tones , the Yi language is of main characters of tones which function as distinguishing words ' meanings and grammar meanings .

  24. 实验二,不同彝族汉族文化启动图片与不同目标语言(彝语和汉语)之间形成语义匹配与不匹配关系。

    The Semantic matching and non-matching relationship between Yi Han culture images with different target language ( Yi and Chinese ) is formed in second experiment .

  25. 究其原因,主要是现行识字教学方式单一、儿童学习汉语兴趣不高以及彝语思维方式对汉语习得的影响等。

    The mainly reasons are the single current literacy teaching methods , the little interests of children and the different thinking way between Yi and Chinese language .

  26. 本文以彝语地名的汉文译写形式为研究对象,剖析了汉文译写时经常采用的三种翻译办法及其派生形式。

    This paper explores the writing of Yi language places in Chinese characters , and points out three modes of translation in Chinese characters and their derivatives .

  27. (语言学)用舌尖向后转向硬颚的方式发音。彝语阿都话唇软颚复辅音声母比较研究

    ( linguistics ) pronounced with the tip of the tongue turned back toward the hard palate . Comparative Research on Labiovelar Initials in Atu Speech of Yi Language

  28. 需要指出的是,彝族学生的语际错误具有其特殊性:既有来自汉语的干扰也有来自彝语的干扰。

    It should be pointed out that interlingual errors made by Yi students have their particularity , which lies in the interference from both Chinese and the Yi .

  29. 总之,对多功能汉彝语电子词典的研究,具有极其重要的理论价值、突出的社会意义、迫切的现实需求和广阔的应用前景。

    In short , the Yi-Chinese multi-functional electronic dictionary is of an extremely important theoretical value , highlight the social significance of the urgent practical needs and potential applications .

  30. 具备彝文读写能力的人主要有两种:一种是彝族毕摩。一种是现代彝语的学习研究者,包括民族语言专业的学生和老师。

    Yi literacy concludes two kinds of people : one is Bimo , the other is the modern Yi language learning researchers , including national language professional students and teachers .