
  1. 分析了慧超在该书中对印度人形象描写失实的原因。

    Discusses the reason of the inaccurate description of the Indian 's image in this work .

  2. 对于此类人物形象的描写,显示出他对于现代人精神蜕化的批判。

    Description of such figures , showing his criticism to the modern spirit .

  3. 《钟》这部小说对一群想体验宗教生活的人做了形象的描写。

    The Bell gives a vivid description of a group of people who wish to experience religious life .

  4. 小说中对五位女性形象的描写充分表明,康拉德是一个具有强烈的女性意识的男性作家而非男权主义作家。

    The depiction of the five women forcefully indicates that Conrad is a male writer with strong feminist consciousness rather than a masculinist .

  5. 基于知识分子形象的描写,作家对现代文化背景下,人类的精神认识、人生的意义、人类的出路进行了探讨。

    Based on the portrayal of intellectuals , writers of modern culture , the human spirit to understand the meaning of life , the human way is discussed .

  6. 从《祭驴文》文本人物形象和描写对象的分析入手,探索其艺术创作特色,以进一步读解其文本价值。

    This article has analyzed the images of the characters and the objects depicted in this text , probed into its features in artistic writing , to further appreciate its textual value .

  7. 论文第一章分析了《女勇士》与《中国佬》中汤亭亭对中国饮食文化和饥荒形象的描写。

    The first chapter deals with Chinese food culture and the famine image of China in The Woman Warrior and China Men , and the second chapter the description of Chinese superstitious conditions .

  8. 通过对这些动物形象的描写,休斯在这一阶段试图对人类日益衰败的世界进行强烈的讽刺,并对所谓的人类中心主义的真伪提出了质疑。

    By putting these animals on the surface , Hughes in this phase aims to give a biting satire on human beings ' corrupted world and to question the truth of the so-called anthropocentricism .

  9. 对战争女性形象的描写,打破了传统的对女性世界的描写,开拓了女性创作的新空间,但也有雄化、失落、淡化等遗憾。

    The description of female image breaks down the traditional description of the female world and opens up new space for the female writing , however , with a pity of desalination , loss and vigor .

  10. 休斯的代表作《鹰之栖息》通过对一系列动物的特殊形象的描写,旨在引发人们对动物、人与自然关系的深入思考。

    His masterpiece , Hawk Roosting , thoroughly reveals such creative style . By the description of a series of special images of animals , Hughes aims at making people think about the relationships between animals , man and nature .

  11. 后者是用语言文字对人、事、景、物的描写,前者是以简笔画的形式对世间万物的形象化描写:以描写的写作表达方式、用形象性的事物轮廓表达汉语的音义对象。

    The latter uses words to describe people , things , scenery and objects . The former uses brief strokes to describe things in the world . The way of pictograph reappears objects ( which are signified by Chinese ) is description .

  12. 重庆文学需要把普通百姓作为正剧形象来描写和塑造,并创作出具有影响的作品,而不能一味迎合文学市场对浅俗的需求。

    The literature is required to describe and mould its common people as images of positive works , and produce works with greater influence rather than anything that is meant to cater to the whims of literary market demand for shallow vulgarity .

  13. 然而,细读《圣经》文本后发现,其间也不乏对具有平等、自主和独立意识的女性形象的描写,这无疑体现了父权制文化中女性主体意识的觉醒。

    However , after a close reading of the Old Testament , the author of this thesis finds that there are still descriptions of women who have the sense of equality , self-autonomy and independence , which undoubtedly reflect the awakening of the female subjectivity in the patriarchal culture .

  14. 基于此,本研究建立了一个指示语认知模型,形象地描写指示的认知过程并据此揭示指示现象的本质。

    The present study , based on the traditional and cognitive studies of deixis , builds up a cognitive model of deixis , by means of which the cognitive process of deixis can be iconically represented and the nature of deixis can be revealed from the perspective of cognition .

  15. 莫里森善于用生动,形象的语言描写人物话语中细微的声音变化。

    Morrison has a sharp ear for the nuances of human utterance .

  16. 论苏童小说女性形象塑造的描写艺术

    On the Account of Arts to Depict Women in Su Tong 's Novels

  17. 在单纯而又丰富神秘的人物形象马仲英的描写中,体现出了西北的生命之感。

    The figure of Ma Zhongying in the novel is pure , complicated and mysterious , it incarnates the feeling of life of northwest China .

  18. 他追求文艺发展的本质规律,无论是作品题材、人物形象、心理描写还是悲剧性色彩等,都呈现出了极为独特的艺术魅力。

    He pursues the essential rule of literary development , both works theme , characters , the psychological description or tragic color etc , presenting an extremely unique artistic glamour .

  19. 第二章从苏童小说女性形象的叙事描写艺术与叙事策略入手,论述了苏童在结构小说时独特的描写艺术和独具匠心的叙事策略。

    The second chapter : discussing the novels in the structure description of the unique art and originality of the narrative strategies starting with novel narrative description of female images of art and narrative strategies .

  20. 在其众多作品中塑造了众多妇女形象,通过描写她们一生悲惨的遭遇,深刻地揭露了封建宗法制度的种种罪恶。

    From describing the miserable experience in all their lives , he has revealed deeply all sorts of crimes of the feudal patriarchal system , and he has accused the evil essence of the feudal society .

  21. 他的公开形象与书中描写的恋家男人相去甚远。

    His public persona is quite different from the family man described in the book .

  22. 通过分析《了不起的盖茨比》的情节结构,本文认为在《了》中,形象化的思想描写取代了形象化的人物刻画,主导了情节的发展。

    By analyzing the plot structure of The Great Gatsby , the present paper holds that visualized thoughts replacing visualized characters dominate the plot development .

  23. 同时,他的作品不是一味地描绘战地大场景,不是一味地塑造完美的英雄形象,而是在描写战争的过程中,努力去发掘人性,关注战争对人的生理和心理上的残害。

    Meanwhile , his work is not blindly depict the large scene of battlefield , and simply create the perfect hero . Conversely in the process of describing the war , he tried to explore the humanity and concerned about the war on the physical and psychological harm .