
cǎi pái
  • dress rehearsal;full dress rehearsal;walk-through
彩排 [cǎi pái]
  • [full dress rehearsal] 在正式演出前或大型群众活动正式举行前化装排练

  • 国庆节游园会彩排

彩排[cǎi pái]
  1. 你几乎可以说,这些选举是真正选举前的一次彩排。

    These elections , you could almost say , are a dress rehearsal for the real elections .

  2. 在彩排中,这出戏的不足之处才暴露出来。

    The weakpoints of the play became apparent in dress rehearsal .

  3. 带妆彩排的时候,演员们变幻出一幅活生生的锦绣画卷。

    The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal

  4. 我想给你放一下彩排的录像。

    I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal .

  5. 彩排时她闷闷不乐。

    At the dress rehearsal she was disconsolate .

  6. 过去一周为了熟悉节目,电视show和拍摄,每天的彩排很累。

    It has been a tiring week with rehearsals everyday on top of all the other events , TV shows , and filming .

  7. 我们之前报道过两人11月14日在《X音素》(TheXFactor)彩排现场共处的画面,当时泰勒是作为嘉宾出演。

    We reported earlier that the two were spotted hanging onset at The X Factor on November 14 during rehearsals for Tay-Tay 's guest appearance .

  8. 卡伦·菲证明,她曾偶然听到过AEGLive的一名执行总裁忽视杰克逊的健康问题,坚持要求他进行彩排。

    Karen Faye testified that she overheard an executive for AEG Live insist that the singer continue despite signs of his declining health .

  9. 据报道,SBS电视台对外泄露了彩排的视频片段,其中包含讲述中国文化的过去及将来的场景以及巨型卷轴展开的画面。

    The SBS TV station reportedly aired fragments of a video of the rehearsal , including scenes depicting the past and future of Chinese culture and the unrolling of a huge scroll .

  10. 从这个角度来说,黛丽拉项目是ACE项目的一次彩排,图灵希望现在仍然可以那样工作,只不过是项目的规模增大了。

    In this respect the Delilah project had been practice for the ACE , for he would have liked to work in much the same way again , if on a larger scale .

  11. sophie和rosie那天去彩排现场看你了

    Check on that . All right , so ... So Sophie Grace and Rosie came to visit you the other day on the set .

  12. 成千上万的舞蹈者和歌手身着传统服装,跟在行进的乐队后向粤海内斯堡足球城市球场(SoccerCityStadium)前进,为周五世界杯开幕式进行最后的彩排。

    Artists in Final Rehearsals for World Cup Opening Ceremony Hundreds of dancers and singers , many of them dressed in traditional costumes , ted behind a ing band to Johannesburg 's Soccer City stadium for the dress of Friday 's World Cup opening ceremony .

  13. 扮演残忍成性的典狱长诺顿(Norton)的冈顿说,彩排时,我们会闹着玩儿,兴奋地互相对视,很高兴我们都参演了这部电影。

    During rehearsal , ' We were joking around and looking at each other in joyful wonder that we all ended up in this movie , ' said Mr. Gunton , who played the sadistic Warden Norton .

  14. 2009年,时年21岁的加州小姐嘉莉·普雷让(CarriePrejean)参加美国小姐大赛时惊讶地发现,彩排时,特朗普会亲自对参赛女性进行评估。

    Carrie Prejean , who was 21 when she participated in the Miss USA contest in 2009 as Miss California , was surprised to find Trump personally evaluating the women at rehearsal .

  15. 对白是日语,不过在最近一次在横滨进行的带妆彩排中,从风格到舞台布景完全是美国式的,忠于鲍勃·福斯(BobFosse)以轻歌舞剧为灵感的创作——该剧在百老汇已经演了20年。

    The dialogue is in Japanese , but at a recent dress rehearsal here , the attitude and staging wereall-American , loyal to Bob Fosse 's vaudeville-inspired production , which has been running on Broadway for two decades .

  16. 让我们再做一次商业广告的彩排。

    Let 's do a dry run of the commercial again .

  17. 明白了吗凯莉太太会带你们去彩排房间

    Okay ? Miss crawly will show you to your rehearsal spaces

  18. 最后,彩排,彩排,再彩排。

    And finally , rehearse , rehearse and rehearse some more .

  19. 一旦戏到了要彩排时,意想不到的问题会突然出现。

    Once the play has reached dress-rehearsal unlooked-for problems suddenly emerge .

  20. 如果他还想赶回来彩排的话。

    If he wants to make it back here by dress .

  21. 人生没有彩排,一切都是现场直播!

    Life there is no dress rehearsal , everything is live .

  22. 艺术评论家们在彩排期间都认认真真地坐在听众席上;

    the art critics settle down in the auditorium during rehearsals ;

  23. 合唱队在最后的演出前会花费大量时间彩排。

    A lot of time is spent rehearsing for the final concert .

  24. 在正式的婚礼前有一个彩排晚宴。

    But before the wedding bells , there 's the rehearsaI dinner .

  25. 明天要表演了,今天做最后的彩排。

    We 're doing our final rehearsal for tomorrow night 's gig .

  26. 这几天我必须要彩排了。

    I have to dress rehearsal in these few days .

  27. 不要在在婚礼彩排晚宴上突然提到婚前协议。

    Do not spring a prenuptial agreement at the wedding rehearsal dinner .

  28. 对不起,我只是在彩排新演出。

    Sorry , I was just rehearsing a new number .

  29. 我需要花1小时时间与全体演员一起彩排。

    I 'll need to spend an hour rehearsing with the cast .

  30. 还要为特别演出进行彩排。

    There will also be rehearsal for my special live .