
  • 网络Colored asphalt
  1. 彩色沥青混合料的生产

    Production of Colored Asphalt Aggregate

  2. 彩色沥青铺装不仅提升了自行车道骑行的舒适度,为骑车者提供骑行路线引导,同时也可提示行人,避免行人误入自行车道。

    Colored asphalt pavement not only improves the comfort and provides guidance for them , but also reminds the pedestrian of not straying into bicycle path .

  3. ES温拌式彩色沥青路面胶结料的研究

    Research of ES Temperately Mixing Adhesive Material for Color Pavement

  4. 应用物理、化学的方法使沥青脱色,加入SBS改性剂、颜料等合成彩色沥青;

    The method of the application physics and chemistry makes the bitumen take off the colors ;

  5. 彩色沥青老化过程中,沥青胶体不稳定指数(Ie)对沥青老化条件很敏感,随老化温度的升高和老化时间的延长而增加;

    During aging , Gastel index ( Ie ) which is sensible to aging condition decreased with increase of aging temperature and aging time .

  6. AC-10Ⅰ彩色沥青混合料配合比设计与施工

    Proportioning design and construction of AC-10 ⅰ colorful asphalt concrete pavement

  7. 在RGB颜色体系中,对数码相机采集的彩色沥青原样、RTFOT、PAV试样的表面颜色进行比较。

    Evaluate the samples ' ( binder 、 rtfot 、 pav ) photos of color asphalt , which are captured by digital camera , in RGB color system .

  8. 彩色沥青混凝土路面的应用及展望

    The application of colored bituminous concrete pavement and its prospects

  9. 改性彩色沥青制备工艺的研究

    Study on the Preparation Technology of Modified Coloured Asphalt

  10. 彩色沥青及混合料的性能评价

    Evaluation on the property of colorable binder and mixture

  11. 彩色沥青老化性能的研究

    Study on the Aging Behavior of Colored Paving Asphalt

  12. 道路用改性石油基彩色沥青的路用性能评价

    Evaluation of the road performance of modified colored asphalt

  13. 彩色沥青瓦用彩砂的质量要求

    Quality requirements for color sand used in asphalt shingle

  14. 彩色沥青瓦及其在美国和中国的应用

    Application of coloured asphalt shingles in USA and China

  15. 一种新型的基面-铺钉系统在彩色沥青瓦坡屋面中的应用研究

    Applied research on a new base-fastening system used in coloured asphalt shingle sloped roofs

  16. 彩色沥青混凝土在城市道路中的应用

    Application of Colored Asphalt Concrete in Urban Road

  17. 世纪公园国际花卉区彩色沥青路面的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Color Bituminous Pavement in International Flower Area of Century Park

  18. 广州地区彩色沥青路面的研究

    Research on Colorful Asphalt Pavement in Guangzhou Area

  19. 新型路面材料彩色沥青的性能及应用可行性

    Performance and Application of Color Asphalt

  20. 利用石油化工产品调配出与沥青性能相当的聚合物浅色胶结料(彩色沥青)。

    Make up polymer tint cementation material ( colour asphalt ) with petroleum and chemical engineering products .

  21. 彩色沥青老化后,沥青质含母增加,胶质、芳香酚、饱和酚含量减少。

    After aging , asphaltene content increased , resins and aromatics content decreased as well as saturate content .

  22. 本文针对彩色沥青混合料以及彩色水泥灌浆沥青混合料进行了研究。

    This thesis studies on the performance of the color asphalt mixture and color cement slurry - filling asphalt mixture .

  23. 本文主要介绍了彩色沥青混凝土路用的基本特性,国内外应用状况及其发展前景。

    The article mainly introduces the pavement characteristics of colored bituminous concrete , its application state at home and abroad and its development prospect .

  24. 为了定量分析色彩,采用《中国建筑色卡》确定彩色沥青以及沥青混合料的色彩效果;

    To make a quantitative analysis on colors , the color effects of colorful asphalt and its mixture is ensured by China Architecture Color Card .

  25. 对其中的70、90两个牌号的彩色沥青路用性能进行了分析,并用粘度法对其抗老化性能进行了评价。

    The road performance of 70 ~ # and 90 ~ # colour paving asphalt was evaluated and their aging resistance was studied by viscosity method .

  26. 自行制备了8种彩色沥青,选取几种有代表性沥青评价试验方法针入度、软化点、动态剪切、简支梁弯曲蠕变试验,对其进行试验评价。

    Several test methods such as Penetration , Softing point , DSR , BBR test are selected to evaluate 8 color asphalt which are made by ourselves .

  27. 以厦门市市府大道路面改造工程中两侧非机动车道彩色沥青混凝土路面施工为例,着重对彩色沥青混凝土路面的原材料选择、混合料拌和、施工工艺、工程检测及分析等作了全面阐述。

    This paper expounds the raw material selection , mixing , construction technology , measuring and analysis of colorful asphalt concrete pavement construction taking example of non-automotive path paving .

  28. 同时,推荐混合料级配的范围和调整方法,并建议通过马歇尔体积设计方法,对所设计的彩色沥青混合料的性能进行验证。

    Meanwhile , a range of mixture gradation and adjustment methods are recommended , and the Marshall design method is suggested to verify the performance of colored asphalt mixtures .

  29. 针对彩色沥青瓦彩砂标准的制定,参考国外资料并结合实际的生产经验,分析了彩砂在沥青瓦上应用应具备的质量要求。

    In development of standard for color sands of colored asphalt shingle , requirements for the color sands were proposed in the light of production experience and overseas relevant information .

  30. 通过对颜料、彩色沥青、彩色沥青混合料的性能研究,评价了各种颜料的色彩亮度、颗粒细度及其对沥青混合料使用性能的影响。

    Through several performance researches on paint , colorful asphalt and its mixture , some points are evaluated such as different paint 's color light , grain fineness and its effects on asphalt mixture .