
cǎi sè qiān bǐ
  • colored pencil;colour pencil;crayon
  1. 当时,我对丛林中的奇遇想得很多,于是,我也用彩色铅笔画出了我的第一副图画。

    I pondered6 deeply , then , over the adventures of the jungle . And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing .

  2. 和经过一些工作,彩色铅笔我取得了成功,使我第一次抽签。

    And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing .

  3. 1903年,Crayola公司引入了黑色,棕色,橙色,紫色,蓝色,绿色,红色和黄色的彩色铅笔。

    In 1903 , Crayola introduced the black , brown , orange , violet , blue , green , red , and yellow crayons .

  4. 她用蜡笔和彩色铅笔画了一幅画。

    She drew a picture using crayons and coloured pencils .

  5. 罗宾逊的彩色铅笔插图给这个很有启发性的故事带来了适度的天真气息。

    Robinson 's colored-pencil illustrations give this inspiring story an appropriately childlike style .

  6. 塑料铅笔、塑料彩色铅笔。

    Plastic pencil , plastic pencil color .

  7. 彩色铅笔彩色编码是一种用于各种行业中的常规技术,它提供对过程的洞察。

    Colored pencilsColor coding is a conventional technique used in various industries to provide insight into a process .

  8. 可以用水粉色、油画棒、彩色铅笔或是彩色水笔等各种工具材料去表现。

    The picture can be performed by gouache color , oil painting stick , color pencil and color pen .

  9. 彩色铅笔、水溶性彩铅、金属色彩铅、荧光色彩铅、可擦性彩铅。

    Color pencil , water-soluble color lead , lead metal color , fluorescent color of lead , erasable color of lead .

  10. 我以前是想把彩色铅笔留给乔恩用的,但是我不想错过这个宝贵的机会让我把我的下一本书变成手绘本。

    I was meant to save my colored pencils for Jon before , but I don 't want to lose the chance to paint this book colorful .

  11. 所有的孩子都用彩色的铅笔绘图于白纸上。

    All the children drew their families on a white sheet of paper using color pencils .

  12. 为促进彩色立体图在工程图样中的推广,把工程绘画同艺术绘画有机地结合起来,本文对立体图用彩色铅笔润饰的技巧作了较详细的论述。

    In order to encourage the incorporation of color stereopictures with engineering drawings , a description of the skills of tinging stereopictures with color pencils is made in general .