
cǎi ɡānɡ
  • colour steel;colorbond
  1. 预应力片材加固负载RC梁受弯承载力分析彩钢夹芯板受弯承载力模拟试验研究

    Calculation of load-carrying capacity of RC beams externally bonded with prestressed composite laminate under sustaining load Simulate experimental study on bending bearing capacity of the colour steel sandwich panel

  2. 彩钢夹芯板受弯承载力模拟试验研究

    Simulate experimental study on bending bearing capacity of the colour steel sandwich panel

  3. 彩钢复合板、彩钢瓦、C型钢的加工批发零售。

    Caigang composite panels , Caigang watts , C payments processing wholesale and retail .

  4. 生产经销:彩钢压型板、组合楼板、聚氨酯节能板、EPS夹芯板、岩棉夹芯板、玻璃丝棉夹芯板。

    Production and distribution : color steel pressure plate , composite floor , polyurethane energy panels , EPS sandwich panel , rock wool sandwich panel , glass cotton sandwich .

  5. HS-SSP彩钢夹芯板工业建筑节能体系研发与应用

    The research and application of energy-saving system of industrial buildings with HS-SSP colored steel sandwich panel

  6. 使用功能:冷、热保温型水箱,外层可采用SUS304不锈钢、镀锌钢板、彩钢板凹凸板拼装。

    Function : cold and heat preservation type water container , the external layer may be assembled by SUS304 stainless steel , galvanized steel , and color steel embossing plate .

  7. BMF系列彩钢夹芯板生产线是生产彩钢夹芯板的主要设备,彩钢夹芯板强度高,重量轻,坚固耐用,外观美观的一种新型建筑材料。

    BMF series sandwich panel production line is main equipment that is used to produce sandwich panel-a new building materials which has the features as stable , light , solidity and beautiful appearance .

  8. 净化室专用逃生窗采用专用彩钢板面,铝合金封边和门框。

    Sleel board surface and alloy aluminium edge and door frame .

  9. 拱形彩钢保温屋面嵌缝式金属压型板

    Arched Colour Plated Roofing with Insulation THE PANEL OF METAL PROFILED SHEETS

  10. 彩钢屋面的防渗抗漏问题研究

    Research on seepage-proof and leakage-proof measures of color steel roof

  11. 彩钢岩棉夹芯屋面板、墙面板节点性能研究

    Tensile property of color steel sandwich roof and wall panels

  12. 生产的彩钢复合板质量符合国家标准。

    The composite steel plate production quality in line with national standards .

  13. 指出了彩钢压型板结构的常见渗漏部位,介绍了使用美国K。

    The article describes leak locations commonly-occurred on corrugated sheet steel roofs and introduces K.

  14. 轻型彩钢瓦屋面在住宅平改坡工程中的应用

    Application of Light Color Steel Roofing in Housing Slope Roof Modification from Flat Roof

  15. 洁净负压实验室彩钢夹心板围护结构安装技术

    Erection technology for colored steel sandwich panel enclosure structure of purified negative pressure laboratory

  16. 随着彩钢行业的发展,产品的要求也不断的提升。

    Along with the development of steel industry , the product requirements are constantly ascension .

  17. 彩钢保温外墙系统的构造节点设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Configuration Joint for External Insulation Wall System with Color Steel Panel

  18. 彩钢双面或单面(镀膜铝箔)抗氧化耐酸碱处理,防腐涂层。

    An embossed double-sided aluminum foil , anti-oxidation , acid and alkali treatment , anti-corrosion coating .

  19. 净化室专用大小双门采用彩钢板面,铝合金封边和门框,包括日本球型门锁。

    Sleel board surface and alloy aluminium edge and door frame , include japan spherical door lock .

  20. 大跨度大弧形彩钢屋面设计与施工技术

    Design and Construction of Long - Span and Large - Curve Roof Structure Covered with Colored Steel Panel

  21. 产品广泛地运用在汽车、船舶、集装箱、工业、彩钢和建筑等行业。

    KCC pare widely used in automobiles , ships , containers , industrial , color-coated steel and construction industries .

  22. 宝鑫彩钢将竭诚的、一如继往的为您服务,您的满意就是我们的成功。

    Xin Bao will be the best , as always , for your service , your satisfaction is our success .

  23. 拥有多种板型的彩钢生产线,年围护面积生产能力达100万余平方米。

    We have several production lines for color steel plate with annual fencing capacity more than one million square meters .

  24. 耐压强和优秀的防火性能,为提高彩钢夹芯板整体的质量起到决定性的作用。

    Compression is strong and excellent fire-safe capability , in order to improve steel sandwich panels overall quality play a decisive role .

  25. 彩钢瓦、夹芯板制造;承接轻钢房钢结构制作、安装;铝材、钢房配套部件零售。

    Caigang watts , Jiaxinban manufacturing ; Housing structural steelwork over Qinggang production , installation ; Aluminum and steel components of the Housing supporting retail .

  26. 近年来又致力于大跨度轻钢结构事业,承揽彩钢与钢结构组合防工程。

    In recent years , has committed to the cause of long-span steel structure , steel structure contract with the combination of anti-color steel works .

  27. 彩钢压型板屋面防水设计要点钢-压型钢板混凝土组合梁裂缝的试验研究


  28. 本文作者通过一工程实例,介绍了蒸压加气砼小型砌块、彩钢夹心板在直接加层工程中的应用及采取的施工技术措施。

    This article describes the use and construction technology for small block of steam pressed aerated concrete and sandwich panel used in direct storey increasing project .

  29. 彩钢夹芯板屋面与墙面排板的优化设计洁净负压实验室彩钢夹心板围护结构安装技术

    The optimum design of colored steel sandwich panel arrangement in foof and wall erection technology for colored steel sandwich panel enclosure structure of purified negative pressure laboratory

  30. 通过对施工工艺进行改进,在环境温度低于0℃的冬季可对彩钢屋顶进行保温喷涂施工,效果良好。

    By the improvement of process , the application effects of spraying the foam under the color steel sheet roofing in the environment temperature below 0 ℃ is good .