
  • 网络second striker;Shadow Striker;SS Second Striker;Deep Lying Forward
  1. 这位全能的现莫斯科中央陆军球员能够胜任包括影子前锋以及后腰在内的多个中场位置,在今年的世界杯上发光发热的他已经吸引了来自米兰的注意。

    The versatile CSKA Moscow midfielder , who can also operate as a second striker or in the holding role , has been attracting interest from the Serie A giants since starring for Japan in the World Cup .

  2. 杰克是一名左脚进攻型中场,可胜任中场任何位置或影子前锋。

    Jack is a left footed attack minded midfielder , capable of playing anywhere across the midfield or behind the striker .

  3. 阿兰。帕杜很高兴能得到这位球员来讲强自己球队的的边路,同时他也能打中前卫和影子前锋。

    Alan Pardew is delighted by the impending acquisition of a player most commonly deployed on the wing but also capable of operating in central midfield or as a secondary striker .

  4. 我能打2个边路,还能打影子前锋。所以我只要专注于自己的比赛然后等待经理的召唤,然后把水平发挥出来。

    I can play left , right , off the front striker or as a main striker , so I just have to concentrate on my own game and wherever I am picked , do myself justice .

  5. 但是现在他也在上紧发条,即使他在禁区内外都对进球有正确的判断,很多人认为他将来会是中锋后面的影子前锋。

    But Bajrami has other strings to his bow , as he has a real eye for goal both in the area and outside , and many feel his future could be as a forward in and behind a main striker .