
bǐ dé dà dì
  • Peter the Great
彼得大帝[bǐ dé dà dì]
  1. 彼得大帝及其随从1698年踏足英格兰时的野蛮行为震惊了伦敦。

    Peter the Great shocked London by his wild behaviour and that of his entourage when he visited England in 1698

  2. 日后的故事表明这位传奇女子是非常有价值的战利品,因为相貌出众,她在宫廷里被当作礼物几经转手,最终于1705年送到彼得大帝(PetertheGreat)的身边。

    Catherine proved to be one of the more valuable acquisitions of the conquest , and thanks to her good looks was passed around as a favor in the court , eventually being given to Peter the Great in 1705 .

  3. 伊凡雷帝(IvantheTerrible)和约瑟夫•斯大林(JosephStalin)是如此,彼得大帝(PetertheGreat)和弗拉基米尔•列宁(VladimirLenin)等激进改革者也不例外——后两人的专制程度不比前两人逊色,却因为打击精英而备受认可。

    This was true of Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin . It was true , too , of radical reformers such as Peter the Great and Vladimir Lenin , equally authoritarian but widely approved of because their target was the elite .

  4. 彼得大帝,一个受启蒙思想影响的人物,从那里派出科学考察队搜寻亚洲和美洲之间的海峡。1741年,维图斯白令(VitusBering)发现阿拉斯加。

    From there Peter the Great , an Enlightenment man , sent expeditions of scientific inquiry to search for a strait between Asia and America , and in1741 Vitus Bering found Alaska .

  5. 1703年的今天,彼得大帝建立了圣彼得堡城。

    1703-Tsar Peter the Great founds the city of Saint Petersburg .

  6. 俄国的彼得大帝就是一个残酷无情的暴君。

    Russia 's Peter the Great was a cruel despot .

  7. 像他的国家一样,彼得大帝既强壮又自傲。

    Peter the Great , like his country , was strong and proud .

  8. 彼得大帝是十八世纪的俄国沙皇。

    Peter the Great was the Czar of Russia in the 18th century .

  9. 彼得大帝的雕像被带回城市中。

    The statue of Peter the great has been brought back to the city .

  10. 彼得大帝想要让他的首都成为欧洲最美丽的城市。

    Peter the Great wanted his capital to be the most beautiful in Europe .

  11. 彼得大帝曾是俄国的统治者。

    Peter the great was a Russian ruler .

  12. 除引言和结论之外,本文主体共分三部分对彼得大帝的税制改革进行研究,第一部分主要分析彼得大帝税制改革背景:(一)改革前俄国社会状况分析。

    Except prologue and conclusion , the main text is composed of three part .

  13. 俄国在18世纪进行了彼得大帝的改革。

    There happened the Russian reform of the Great King Peter in the 18th century .

  14. 如果这是一份关于古怪君王的清单,彼得大帝无疑会名列前茅。

    If this were a list about strange monarchs , Peter the Great would top the list .

  15. 沙皇彼得大帝对医学很感兴趣,对拔牙技艺情有独钟。

    The tsar Peter I the Great was interested in medicine , and liked to personally extract teeth .

  16. 圣彼得堡曾经是彼得大帝的地盘,现在还有很多衰微时代的遗物。

    Once the seat of Peter the Great , St. Petersburg contains many relics of more decadent times .

  17. 三百年前,俄国沙皇彼得大帝来到这里建起新都&圣彼得堡。

    Three hundred years ago , the Russian Czar Peter the Great came here and built a new capital-St Petersburg .

  18. 建于有着“向前看”思想的帝王彼得大帝手中,这座城市一直以来作为俄罗斯的文化之都而存在着。

    Founded by the forward-thinking emperor , Peter the Great , the city has always been Russia 's cultural capital .

  19. 圣彼得堡是由彼得大帝建造并被当作帝国的首都和联系俄罗斯与西方世界的窗口。

    St. Petersburg was created by Peter I and serves as his imperial capital and Russia 's window to the West .

  20. 你认为彼得大帝有何种的形式作风,他的统治究竟像或是不像海军上将?

    In what ways do you think Peter was and was not like an admiral in the substance and style of his rule ?

  21. 由彼得大帝精心策划的涅瓦大街以其历史重要性和与文学的紧密联系而著名。

    Illustriously planned by Peter the Great , this grand avenue is celebrated for its historic importance as well as its literary connections .

  22. 马泽帕是乌克兰所谓的哥萨克人的酋长,或者说哥萨克军队领袖。在俄罗斯他被认为是叛徒,背叛了对彼得大帝忠诚的誓言。彼得大帝是在波尔塔瓦战役中获胜的指挥官。

    In Russia he is considered a traitor who betrayed an oath of allegiance to Czar Peter the Great , the commander at Poltava .

  23. 18世纪初彼得大帝的改革为西方文化渗入俄国土壤提供了温床。

    At the beginning of 18th century , the reform of Peter the Great provided the soil for the western culture permeating through Russia .

  24. 1716年,威廉一世把它送给了彼得大帝,作为普鲁士对俄国人民表示友谊的礼物。

    In1716 , Frederick William I gave it to Peter the Great , as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian people .

  25. 彼得大帝于十七世纪末到法国游览了一趟后,他决定要为自己盖一座比凡尔赛宫还好的皇宫。

    After a visit to France in the late 17th century , Peter the Great decided to build a palace for himself better than Versailles .

  26. 主要从彼得大帝时代起,在民族自我反省过程中,大俄罗斯主义逐渐发展成为世界性征服思想体系,其核心要素是:(1)根深蒂固且极力张扬着的民族救世主义及其帝国转移理论;

    The core elements of the ideological system were : ( 1 ) deep-rooted and extremely aggrandized national salvation doctrine and its theory of empire transfer ;

  27. 从这本书里,他认识了令他非常钦佩的拿破仑、彼得大帝、卢梭、孟德斯鸠、华盛顿、林肯等人物。

    From this book , he knew that he admired Napoleon , Peter the Great , Rousseau , Montesquieu , Washington , Lincoln and other figures .

  28. 普京总统指出,彼得大帝把这座城市的建立视为俄国摆脱落后的孤立局面、进入欧洲的一项壮举。

    President Putin pointed out that Peter the Great envisioned the city as a grand effort to force Russia out of backward isolation and into Europe .

  29. 沙皇彼得大帝(1682-1725)将源自西方的法国规则式园林设计手法以一种巨大的尺度移植到俄罗斯帝国的大地上。

    Tsar Peter the Great ( 1682-1725 ) grafted Western methods of French formal gardens into the Russian " soil " on a huge imperial scale .

  30. 但是乌克兰人称马泽帕酋长是被迫和瑞典联盟的,因为俄罗斯统治者彼得大帝没有遵守1654年的协议,保护他们的土地免波兰人的攻击。

    But Ukrainians say the Hetman side with Sweden , because Russian ruler Peter the Great honor a 1654 treaty to protect their land against Polish attacks .