
dài jī shí jiān
  • standby time
  1. 而到了第二代手机。手机在通话质量、待机时间、手机界面等方面取得了长足的进步,同时开始使用JAVA等中间件技术。

    Then we have the second-generation mobile phone , which achieves great in terms of call quality , standby time and interface . Meanwhile , middleware such as JAVA can be supported by mobile phone .

  2. 它们的电池续航时间往往也更长(例如,据它们各自的制造商称,PantechBreezeIII的待机时间长达14天,而iPhone5c只有10天)。

    Battery life is often better ( up to 14 days of standby time for the Pantech Breeze III , for example , compared with 10 days for the iPhone 5c , according to their manufacturers ) .

  3. 本文同时设计了一种采用AA电池供电的高效率稳压电源方案,大大延长了电子阅读笔的待机时间。

    Also In the paper , we designed an AA battery supplied high efficiency step-up voltage power .

  4. 这款上网本运行win7系统,拥有10英寸高清显示屏,GPS导航芯片和12小时待机时间电池。

    It will run Microsoft 's new Windows 7 software , have a ten-inch screen and a GPS navigation chip and a 12-hour battery life .

  5. WCDMA终端也已经有近50款,并且在网间切换、IOT测试、待机时间、体积重量方面都有改善和提高。

    WCDMA terminals have improved in network switching , IOT testing , waiting time , volume and weight .

  6. 待机时间超长的“节约一号”手机非常独特:只需一节AA电池,就能保持电量长达15年。

    The SpareOne mobile phone is absolutely unique - running on one AA battery , it keeps its charge for up to 15 years .

  7. 除了拥有优质的摄像头和超长待机时间之外,谷歌更想凸显的是一个名为“GoogleAssistant”的数字助理软件。

    In addition to a premium camera and long battery life , the company is expected to use Pixel to highlight a digital assistant software called " Google Assistant . "

  8. iPhone5能够以最快的速度连接无线网络,且待机时间长达225个小时。

    It also comes with the capability to connect to the fastest new wireless data networks and the battery life is expanded with a standby of 225 hours .

  9. 推导出平均滞留时间和待机时间的表达式,分析了相容性问题,并基于LMI方法给出了相应的控制求解策略。

    Formulas of average residence time and awaiting-time are concluded and consistency between them is analyzed , and the corresponding control strategy is provided based on LMI method .

  10. 有意思的是,该手机的使用手册仅仅1页纸长,而且比起智能手机更为省电,荷兰JohnDoeAmsterdam公司声称该手机电池待机时间能达到3个星期呢。

    The manual is only one page long and , unlike its battery-hungry smartphone counterparts , the makers of'John 's Phone'claim that a single charge will provide users with three weeks'battery life .

  11. iPad的电池重不到1.5英磅,10小时待机时间够我搭班机从旧金山到东京一路看视频。

    It 's one and half pound device . 10 hours battery betweens I can take a flight from San Francisco to Tokyo and watch video the whole way on one charge .

  12. 苹果公司声称,该电池将持续8个小时的3G通话和浏览,10个小时的Wi-Fi浏览和视频观看,40小时音乐播放和225小时待机时间。

    - Apple claims the battery will last eight hours during 3G talk time and browsing , 10 hrs for Wi-Fi browsing and video watching , 40 hrs playing music , and 225 hrs on standby .

  13. 考虑到PHS可以充分利用现有市话交换机的剩余容量、定位精度高、通信费用低、待机时间长等优势,威海电信建设了PHS个人无线通信系统。

    Considering the many advantages of PHS that they can use the telephone switch well and there is a function of accurate orientation and low fees for telecommunication and a long waiting-work time , Weihai Department of telecommunication build a PHS personal wireless telecommunication system .

  14. 振动提示,游戏,待机时间长,步话机!

    Vibrating Alert , Games , Long Standby Time , Walkie-talkie !

  15. 诺基亚515的电池待机时间则长达38天。

    The Nokia 515 has a massive 38 days standby time .

  16. 它有10小时的待机时间。

    We 've been able to achieve 10 hours of battery life .

  17. 如果您的手机是低能耗能型的,那么待机时间会更长。

    And your mobile can stand by longer if it consumes less energy .

  18. 根据使用情况和产品型号,老诺基亚手机最长待机时间能达7天。

    Old Nokia phones lasted for up to seven days depending on usage and model .

  19. 它的电池寿命也很卓越,通话时间可达18个小时,待机时间可达1500小时。

    It delivers exceptional battery life of up to 18 hours of talk and 1500 hours standby .

  20. 电池在充满电量情况下提供约:通话时间:6小时;待机时间:100小时

    A fully charged headset battery provides approximately : 6 hours talk time ; 100 hours standby time

  21. 类纸电子阅读器具有无辐射、无闪烁、携带方便、待机时间长等优点,得到了用户越来越多的关注和使用。

    Paper-like electronic reader has radiationless , flicker free , taking convenience , long standby time and so on .

  22. 同时,耳机通话时间越长,电池的待机时间越短。

    Additionally , your battery will have less standby time the more you talk on the phone with your headset .

  23. 在相同的供电电池容量前提下,有效地提高了手机的待机时间和使用时间。

    For the same capacity of supply battery , it can effectively prolong smart phone standby time and using time .

  24. 此外,由于价格低和电池待机时间长,功能手机在发展中国家更受欢迎。

    Feature phones are also more popular in developing markets because of the combination of low prices and long battery life .

  25. 但不幸的是,待机时间太短了。这就意味着它牺牲了速度和某些在本应在电脑中运行的程序。

    Unfortunately for the power hungry , this means sacrificing speed or certain applications that are meant to be run on computers .

  26. 我还配有一个智能手机,与智能本一样,智能手机新颖、待机时间长,体现了很好的创新性。

    I also have a smart phone , it 's also got a kind of creativity , it 's got a great battery life .

  27. 摩托罗拉的这款手机显然要比诺基亚的贵很多,但每次充电的通话时间和待机时间会有所不同。

    The phone will apparently cost quite a bit more than Nokia 's , although talk time levels and standby times per battery charge differ .

  28. 我们最新的产品在厚度、待机时间、屏幕分辨率和用户体验方面都能和最优秀的产品一较高下。

    Our latest products can compete with the best of them in thinness , battery life , the quality of the screen and user experience .

  29. 它具有发射功率小、耗电低、持续通话和待机时间长等特点。

    It has many advantages such as lower transmitting power , lower power consumption , and longer talk time and standby time compared with mobile phone .

  30. 由于背光键盘大受欢迎,现在好几款笔记本上都安装了背光键盘,但它实际上牺牲了一小时的待机时间。

    The backlit keyboard , a welcome feature that has since found its way into several PC notebooks , knocked that figure down by over an hour .