
  • 网络Xujiahui;Zikawei;Siccawei
  1. 耶稣会士重返中国三十年后,于1872年在上海创立徐家汇天文台,记录气象。

    In1872,30 years after coming back to China , the Jesuits founded in Shanghai the Zikawei Observatory .

  2. 建立了徐家汇台的量规函数和应用观测到P波的最大距离估计震级的计算公式;

    An empirical formula for estimating magnitude from maximum distance of registration of P-waves was found .

  3. 上海徐家汇的机器人魔力餐厅(RobotMagicRestaurant)给人以一种太空时代迷你高尔夫的氛围。

    One in Shanghai 's Xujiahui district , Robot Magic Restaurant , cultivates a space-age , mini-golf ambience .

  4. Gauthier在上海徐家汇天主教堂开始了地磁观测。

    Gauthier began to carry out his geomagnetism observation in Xujiahui Catholic Church of Shanghai .

  5. 1904年,日本又在大连南山和上海徐家汇架设了大森(Omori)地震仪。

    In1904 , Japan installed the Omori Seismograph in the South Hill , Dalian , and Xujiahui , Shanghai .

  6. 我认为它的内部空间还是比上海徐家汇大教堂小了一点。

    I thought its room was smaller than the one in Xujiahui in Shanghai .

  7. 大部分公司位于上海徐家汇或浦东。住在地铁附近的酒店交通更加方便。

    Living in a hotel near a subway station is always easier for transportation .

  8. 视觉消费符号:都市空间中的广告以上海徐家汇广场商业广告为例

    Visual Consumption Sign : Metropolitan Space Ad

  9. 徐家汇有中文学校吗?

    Is there Chinese school in Xujiahui ?

  10. 本文以上海徐家汇教堂区为研究对象。

    This dissertation is the history of Xujiahui , a Catholic community in Shanghai , from three perspectives .

  11. 其他的商业中心还有卢湾区的经典新天地和淮海路,以及徐汇区的徐家汇商业区;

    Other major commercial areas include the classy Xintiandi and Huaihai Road in Luwan district and Xujiahui in Xuhui District .

  12. 轨道交通徐家汇枢纽是上海市轨道交通网络中唯一的一个3条市域线交汇的大型换乘枢纽。

    Shanghai Xujiahui junction station is the only large type transfer junction station of3 urban lines in the network of Shanghai rail traffic .

  13. 本文综述了上海地区深基坑施工的现状,并详细分析了上海地铁徐家汇车站土建工程施工中的主要技术问题。

    The current state of deep excavation engineering in Shanghai area is described and the main technology in the civil construction of Shanghai metro Xujiahui Station is analyzed in detail in this paper .

  14. 衡山宾馆位于上海市徐家汇商业繁华地段,毗邻徐家汇绿地和衡山公园,绿荫叠翠,环境优雅。

    Hengshan Hotel located in the lively commercial hub of Shanghai 's Xujiahui district , adjacent to the Xujiahui green belt and the Hengshan park , folded shades of green jade , elegant surroundings .

  15. 此外,还分别对南京路步行街、豫园、徐家汇商圈、人民广场和外滩等热点区域制作了超精细小场景。

    In addition , each of the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street , Yuyuan Garden , Xujiahui shopping district , People 's Square and the Bund and other hot regions has produced a super fine little scene .

  16. 上海徐家汇地区的一家电影院昨天为这部电影了售出约7000元的票,相比13万元的《钢铁侠3》票房和5万元的《遗落战境》。

    A cinema in the city 's Xujiahui area sold around 7000 yuan worth of tickets for the film yesterday , compared to ticket sales of 130000 yuan for " Iron Man 3 " and 50000 yuan for " Oblivion . "