
  1. 都市放歌&评徐迟20世纪30年代的诗

    On the Poems of XU Chi in 1930 's

  2. 第七章以徐迟的翻译活动为例进行个案研究。

    Chapter Seven is a case study of Xu Chi as a literary translator .

  3. 徐迟是跨现代和当代两个时期的诗人和报告文学家。

    Xu Chi is a poet and reportage writer of crossing modern and contemporary stages .

  4. 徐迟与现代派

    Xu Chi and Modernism

  5. 徐迟的《歌德巴赫猜想》堪称新时期报告文学的开篇之作。

    The " Goldbach Problem " written by Xu Chi was considered as the first work of reportage in new days .

  6. 徐迟以诗人的气质和风格,创造出的报告文学诗体化艺术,虽为人所称道,但鲜有专人论及。

    With the style of poet , Xu Chi created the reportages with poetic art , which were little commented on .

  7. 徐迟本质上是一位浪漫主义诗人,其一生创作诗歌约295首。他曾经是浪漫主义者,惠特曼的忠实信徒,印象派领军人物,同时又是一个地方主义者和现代派诗人。

    Xu Chi was a romanticist poet . He started his poetic career as a romanticist , a loyal disciple of Whitman and then a representative of imagism , and American localist as well as a modernist .

  8. 我仅仅这样遐想:即使稍后一些时候我拨开蜗牛爬过的路上的叶片,但见它留下的细细痕迹粘着破碎的白色微粒,穿过垃圾碎屑,那我也难以想像伴随它从容前进的徐迟缓慢的激情。

    All I think is that if later I parted the blades above the tunnel and saw the thin trail of broken white across litter , I would never have imagined the slow passion to that deliberate progress .