
yáo yì
  • see also 繇役
徭役 [yáo yì]
  • [corvee;forced labour] 古时官府向人民摊派的无偿劳动

  1. 乌拉差(一种包括徭役、赋税、地(畜)租在内的含义十分广泛的差税总称)

    corvee labor - a broad term covering not only corvee , but taxes and levies , and rents for land and livestock

  2. 希望能远离长城,找到一个没有徭役的地方。

    He wanted a place without conscripting far away from the Great Wall .

  3. 赋役法制中的户籍地籍制度、田赋徭役立法本文也做了介绍。

    The legal system of taxation land paper also do the corves legislation introduced .

  4. 拉丁美洲的封建主义是一种单方面的徭役关系。

    Latin American feudalism is a one-way business .

  5. 论秦徭役制中的几个法定概念

    Discussion of Several Legal Concepts in the Corv é e System of the Qin Dynasty

  6. 除此之外,军余还被佥派徭役,供地方官府驱使劳作。

    In addition , the Army was Resentment sent lord , for local government driven labor .

  7. 第二部分论述了蒙文档案所反映的清代喀喇沁左旗苏木及苏木徭役。

    Second , It discusses the township and township corvee wicn were reflected by Mongol archives .

  8. 第三部分主要对蒙文档案所反映的清乾隆时期喀喇沁右旗苏木数及苏木徭役进行了比较研究。

    Third part is about thecontrastive study of Su-Mu and corvee of Su-Mu written by these archives .

  9. 啬夫的职责包括厘定户口,收取赋税,征发徭役,接受诉讼,监控人口流动等等。

    They have the duty including controling household register , collecting taxes Judging the litigation and so on .

  10. 户籍法是一个政权加强对民众户籍管理,维系赋税征收和徭役佥派的重要规范。

    Census law is important in adjusting and regulating the position , right and duty of the individuals .

  11. 为了逃避徭役,他不得不背井离乡,开始了自己逃亡的生涯。

    He had to leave for escaping from the conscripting and his vagrant life was begun from that time .

  12. 其中国工即征发来为官府手工业作坊服徭役的本国民间工匠;

    Among them , governmental artisans were craftsmen from the people enlisted to do corvee for the governmental handicraft workshops ;

  13. 频繁的徭役,沉重的赋税,加之残酷的刑罚令民众大为不满。

    Endless labor , heavy taxation and harsh laws in the later years of the First Emperor 's reign started to provoke widespread social discontent .

  14. 这些探讨都说明战争徭役作为《诗经》的重要题材,到现在仍然有着不可忽视的研究价值。

    These arguments indicate that the songs about war and corvee still have their researchful values as the important theme of the Classic of the Songs .

  15. 村民为躲避战乱和徭役,常投身大族,成为隐附人口。

    In order to survive in wars and riots , villagers often attached themselves to the large clans and thus became the obscure and dependent population .

  16. 在封建社会和半殖民地半封建社会,占人口绝大多数的农民饱受封建地租、徭役、兵役等沉重负担之苦。

    In the feudal society and the sub-feudal and sub-colonist society the peasants who were the majority of the society suffered the burden of feudal land rent , corvee etc.

  17. 由于军卫建制的特点,使得辽东卫所的徭役在佥派组织、原则上都有自己的特点。

    Due to the characteristics of the Military establishment , so the Liao dong guard by the lord Resentment camp organization , in principle , has its own characteristics .

  18. 以国家救助为主要救助方式,救助内容和措施有蠲免徭役、赋税,减轻刑罚,赈济生活用品,问医施药,掩埋遗骸等。

    The main method is national assistance , including reduction of rent for land and of enslavement , lighten punishment , relief , supply doctors and medicines , bury corpses , etc.

  19. 但是,实录和方志中又反映二县的徭役和赋税在明代还相当沉重。

    But it is also reported in the national records and the local chronicles that in Ming Dynasty the taxes and corv é e of that two counties were still very heavy .

  20. 与此同时,又对人民大施徭役,致使民不聊生,终于使政权毁于一旦,短命而亡。

    At the same time , they taxed their people so much so that rendered them to resist . As a result , the authority finally collapsed and their regimes died out .

  21. 在这里我们把《诗经》中以战争和徭役为主要题材的叙事和抒情诗视为战争徭役诗,这类诗作占《诗经》诗篇总数的近十分之一。

    Here we regard the narrative songs and lyrics as the songs about war and corvee , which took the war and corvee as themes , with the percentage of 10 % .

  22. 他们不仅要交租税,保障政府的财政收人,还要因国家大兴土木而服徭役,在日趋扩大的军队中服兵役。

    The peasantry did not only contribute the most part of the state income by taxes , but also served as laborers for state projects and as militia in the ever larger infantry units .

  23. 农民被各种苛捐杂税压的喘不过气,沉重的徭役、兵役,使他们无法继续在原有的土地上生存,只有选择逃亡。

    Farmers were pressured by all kinds of exorbitant taxes , heavy lord and military service , so that they can not continue to survive in the original land , only the choice to flee .

  24. 第三部分主要叙述辽金徭役制度之比较,从种类,征调依据方式,对象,力度,豁免原因和力度等五点来进行论述。

    The third part describes the system of compulsory labor compared Jin , from the type of requisition based methods , objects , dynamics , causes and intensity of immunity other five points were discussed .

  25. 民户人口的隐匿,致使国家在籍人口大量减少,赋税徭役无从征发,增加了社会不安定的因素,严重威胁着两宋政权的稳定。

    Families ' escaping result of a significant reduction in the membership population , impossible to levy taxes lord hair , increased social instability factors , a serious threat to the stability of the regime Song .

  26. 他的一个拥有三百农奴的领地被改革了,农奴都变成自由庄稼人(这是俄国最初的范例之一),在其他领地,代役租制已取代徭役租制。

    On one estate of his , three hundred serfs were transformed into free cultivators ( it was one of the first examples in Russia ), in others forced labour was replaced by payment of rent .

  27. 第二,建立了具有封建性质的租税制度,包括对土地的田租制度,按人头征收的口赋制度,和对丁征发的徭役制度等;

    Secondly , the establishment of a feudal nature of the tax system , including the system of land Tianzu to give people a system of the Koufu , and made for the Gengfu on the corvee system ;

  28. 民籍制度是清代土地制度的基础,是统治阶级征收赋税、征发徭役、提高经济收入的保证,是统治阶级维护社会治安管理的重要手段。

    Civil registry system in Qing Dynasty land system , is the ruling class to levy taxes , taxes , tax increase economic income guarantee , is the ruling class to the maintenance of social security management the important means .

  29. 并且在田租、户调和徭役以及宗教僧侣的赋税负担等具体内容方面,都存在大量与汉晋制度相同或相似的现象,同时,又发展了符合自身政治经济特点的相关制度。

    It had many similitude in the rent , corvee and the taxes of monastery with the system of HAN dynasty and JIN dynasty , at the same time , it also developed the system according to the characteristic of itself .

  30. 主要的改革措施包括:减免田租,以三十税一为制;减轻徭役,“三年而一事”,即三年充更卒一个月;

    The main measures included : Taxes were lowered to 1 / 30 of the harvest , labour corvee was reduced to once every three years , heavy physical penalites were abolished , and the taxes on merchants were lowered to 40 qian .