
  1. 连续式微波真空干燥设备的研究

    Study on Continuous Microwave Vacuum Drying Equipment

  2. 微波真空干燥设备的研制。

    MVD equipment was developed .

  3. 实验研究了用微波真空干燥设备干燥酶解后的澄清型香蕉汁,制作速溶香蕉粉的工艺,并比较热风干燥与微波真空干燥的效果。

    The experiment study on the process of drying resolvable banana powder by using microwave vacuum equipment . And the dry effects between microwave vacuum and air dry are compared .

  4. 阐述连续式微波真空干燥设备的工作原理、结构特点和设计要点,分析并确定微波真空干燥室、微波系统及进出料系统的结构和相关参数。

    The principle of continuous microwave vacuum drying equipment , its structural characteristics and major technical difficulties were introduced . The structure and the optimum parameters of microwave vacuum drying chamber , microwave system and material inlet and outlet system were studied and confirmed .

  5. 微波真空干燥试验设备自动化监测系统的研究

    Research on Experimental Equipment of Microwave Vacuum Drying and Its Auto-monitoring System

  6. 微波低温真空干燥设备的技术分析及研究

    The Analysis and Research on the Technology of the Microwave Vacuum Drying Equipment

  7. 文中介绍了微波低温真空干燥的特点和微波低温真空干燥设备的工作原理及主要技术。

    In this paper we introduce the characteristic of the Microwave vacuum drying techniques , its work principle , and its chief technique .