
  • 网络slightly sweet;off-dry;Demi-sec
  1. 微甜的酵母发酵的面包卷,常夹水果或干酪。

    Light sweet yeast-raised roll usually filled with fruits or cheese .

  2. 汤很多,很浓,微甜。

    The broth was deep , intense and slightly sweet .

  3. 意大利西西里岛产的一种微甜或半甜的葡萄酒。

    Dark sweet or semisweet dessert wine from Sicily .

  4. 新鲜哈蜜瓜味道,轻盈、微甜、清新。

    The sweet aroma of honeydew melon . Bright , airy and green .

  5. 苏菜的烹调风格以用料广泛、味道微甜而著名。

    The Jiangsu cooking style is known for its wide variety of ingredients and sweetish flavors .

  6. 糖醋鲤鱼—外表松脆,里面鲜嫩,微甜、微酸。

    Sweet and Sour Carp-with crisp exterior and tender fish interior , a little sweet and sour .

  7. 产自法国波尔多地区的微甜的金黄色的进餐酒或甜酒;加利福尼亚的类似的酒。

    Semisweet golden-colored table or dessert wine from around Bordeaux in France ; similar wine from California .

  8. 里面的果仁呈雪白色,一旦蒸熟后,打开果壳,里面的果肉吃起来微甜,相当美味。

    The nut inside is snow-white and when steamed and cracked is subtly sweet and quite delicious .

  9. 糖醋鲤鱼&外表松脆,里面鲜嫩,微甜、微酸。

    Sweet and Sour Carp-with crisp exterior and tender fish interior , a little sweet and sour .

  10. 来自菲律宾的热带水果,果肉白色微甜,籽小呈团状。

    Tropical fruit from the Philippines having a mass of small seeds embedded in sweetish white pulp .

  11. 这项比赛其实就只有个噱头。金牌获得者是比利时骑手康士顿·凡·朗尔顿和他的马微甜。

    The gold medal was won by Belgian racer Constant van Langhendonck and his horse , Extra-Dry .

  12. 本品服用安全、方便、四季适宜、微甜,特别适宜怕服中药人士及儿童服用。

    Its refreshing taste is especially suitable for adults and children who reject the bitterness of ordinaly Chinese herbal medicine .

  13. 洋葱有不同大小、形状、颜色,口味从微甜到辛辣。

    Onions come in different sizes , shapes , colors and flavors , from mild and sweet to hot and strong .

  14. 口感微甜而圆润,如天鹅绒般的美丽平衡,是各种肉扒的最佳搭配。

    On palate , it is round , sweet and velvety with beautifully balanced acidity , best companied with steak and other meats .

  15. 性状:本品为胶囊,内容物为浅棕色小颗粒,气清香,味微甜。

    Properties : The product is capsule and it contains small pullets with light brown color , delicate fragrance and tiny sweet taste .

  16. 手捧一杯这样的水,若在清晨轻轻呷一口,淡却微甜,就像清晨的甘露,滴在叶尖。

    Holding a cup of the water , if a Relax gently in the morning , desalination has Weitian , like early morning mannose , dripping in the tip .

  17. 则是白仙芬黛&可以说它对我们的葡萄酒文化发挥了重要作用,使很多人尝试这种微甜的又容易多喝的葡萄酒。

    Has to be White Zinfandel & which has arguably played a big roll in our wine culture by getting many people to try this slightly sweet and easy to quaff wine .

  18. 现在他只往里面塞少量肉酱,包子皮白得无可挑剔,松软有弹性,微甜而不腻。

    Now there 's just a dab of p â t é , sealed inside a house-made steamed bun of impeccable pallor , fluffy and springy , suggesting sweetness without surrendering to it .

  19. 这种水果本身并不含有太多的糖分,它尝上去仅仅微甜;但吃了神秘果之后,变味糖蛋白扰乱了舌头上的味蕾功能,之后任何味道都变成了甜味,这种状态可以持续一小时左右。

    The fruit itself does not contain a lot of sugar , and tastes only mildly sweet but when eaten , the glycoprotein binds to the tongues taste buds , which , for about an hour after eating the fruit , distorts any other taste into sweetness .