
wēi jī fēn xué
  • calculus
  1. 近几年来,随着分数阶微积分学理论的发展,将常规PID控制器引入到分数阶领域,是一项非常值得的研究的课题。

    In recent years , with the development of the fractional-order calculus theory , it is worth while researching the fractional-order PID controller which is a general form of the conventional PID controller .

  2. 他创立了微积分学,探索了光的本质。

    He invented calculus and investigated the nature of light .

  3. 关于Q型微积分学的设想

    A TentaTive Idea about Q - form Differential and Integral Calculus

  4. 本文以“时、空量子化”观点为指导,提出一套数学方案,称为“量子型微积分学”(简称“Q型微积分学”)。

    In this paper we present a theory about " Q-form Differential and Integral Calculus " .

  5. Rolle定理是微分中值的基本定理,在微积分学中起着重要作用。

    Rolle 's theorem is the fundamental theorem for differential median and plays an important role in the study of differential .

  6. 正定积分的极大与极小的微积分学。

    The calculus of maxima and minima of definite integrals .

  7. 《微积分学》教学与调动学生学习积极性

    The Teaching of Calculus and the Improving of the Studying Spirit of Students

  8. 浅析相似论在微积分学中的应用

    Application of the theory of resemblance in infinitesimal calculus

  9. 在诸如统计学与微积分学方面的能力。

    Competence in areas such as statistics and calculus .

  10. 积分因子法在微积分学中的应用

    The Application of Method of Integrating Factor on Calculous

  11. 几个重要分布在微积分学中的创造性应用

    Creative Applications of Some Importance Probability Method in Calculus

  12. 方法利用微积分学中求极小值的方法。

    Methods Method of deducing minimum value in differential and integral calculus was applied .

  13. 微积分学中中值定理的统一证明

    Uniform Proof for Theorem of Mean of Calculus

  14. 极限是微积分学的核心概念。

    Limit is the core of calculus .

  15. 自然界中有许多现象都涉及不连续性。微积分学虽成功地解释了光滑的连续变化现象,但对于非连续问题有时就无能为力了。

    Many phenomena in nature are of uncontinuity that can not be interpreted by calculus .

  16. 本书发现了标准微积分学的新模型-欧弥伽连续统模型。

    The second discovery is to find a new model of standard calculus-Omega continuum model .

  17. 微积分学基本定理的一个推广

    Extension of the Fundmental Theorem of Calculus

  18. 两相微积分学透辉石瓷砖的研制

    The Study of Diopside Ceramic Tile

  19. 关于微积分学中的形而上学方法

    On Metaphysical Methods in Calculus

  20. 巨形建筑极大极高的建筑正定积分的极大与极小的微积分学。

    An extremely large , tall building . the calculus of maxima and minima of definite integrals .

  21. 幂指函数求极限问题是微积分学中的一个常见问题,同时又是一个难点问题。

    The limit problem of power exponent function is common but difficult in differential and integral calculus .

  22. 网络微积分学研究

    A Survey on Network Calculus

  23. 在微积分学中,极限的教学历来被认为是教学的重点和难点。

    It 's well known that Limit is regarded as a main and difficult point in the Calculus .

  24. 利用等价无穷小代换求极限是微积分学中求极限的一个重要方法之一。教学中往往强调只有对乘积因子才能进行等价无穷小代换;

    It is one of the important methods in Calculus to ask limits about replacing the Equivalent Infinitely Small Quantity .

  25. 此不等式在泛函分析、矩阵理论方面有着广泛的应用,从微积分学角度出发再给予证明。

    The inequality is used widely in functional analysis , matrix theory , it is proved again from infinitesimal calculus .

  26. 把转化数学思想运用到多元函数的微积分学中,使看似非常复杂的问题变得简单易学。

    It is simple and easy rather than difficult to use the mathematical idea of transformation in studying calculus of poly-function .

  27. 本文运用两相微积分学,深入研究了狄拉克δ函数。

    Based on Robinson 's work , and two-phase calculus , the Dirac Delta function has been discussed in some detail .

  28. 无穷限积分是微积分学中广义积分的一种类型,是积分知识的一个难点内容。

    Infinite integral is a type of improper integral in calculi , and it is also a difficult point in integral .

  29. 微积分学中有关积分与它在微分方程和测定面积,体积等的应用的部分。

    The part of calculus that deals with integration and its application in the solution of differential equations and in determining areas or volumes etc. .

  30. 以教学过程中积累的多个例子作简单的讨论,展示了微积分学在解决初等问题中的各类应用。

    With the help of the examples accumulates in the teaching process , this paper reveals all the uses of calculus in solving some primary problems .