
wēi liànɡ yí yè qì
  • micropipette;micropipettor
  1. ~(125)I在微量移液器检验中的应用

    Application of ~ ( 125 ) I in Micropipettor Check

  2. 方法:使用微量移液器定量加液代替毛细管滴加药液。

    Methods : Using micropipettor instead of capillary in adding liquid .

  3. 结果:微量移液器加液法测得结果的可信限率明显低于毛细滴管加液法。

    Results : The confidence-limit rate in micropipettor is obviously lower than that of capillary .

  4. 用微量移液器加入待测溶液和硼氢化钾溶液,在反应杯中发生氢化物并导入石英管进行原子化。

    Sample and KBH_4 solutions are introduced into the reaction cup with micro pipettes sequentially , then hydride generated is guide into quartz cell for atomization .

  5. 损伤组,培养第7天神经元用微量移液器塑料滴头行机械性划痕损伤后完全培养液培养。

    After spinal neurons were cultured for 7 days , mechanical injury was caused by plastic tip in the injury group and then the cells were cultured in complete medium continually ;