
  • 网络Microfinance
  1. 分析人士表示,随着监管规定的实施,大型参与者将受益,例如阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的金融业务浙江蚂蚁小微金融服务公司(ZhejiangAntSmall&MicroFinancialServices)。

    As regulation takes effect , analysts say big players such as Alibaba 's finance affiliate , Zhejiang Ant Small & Micro Financial Services , stand to benefit .

  2. 小微金融服务是按国家《中小企业划型标准规定》规定的,建立在小微贷款概念基础上的综合性金融服务工作。

    Small micro-financial services according to national " SME plan type standard " provisions , based on small and micro loans based on the concept of integrated financial services .

  3. 并提出了零售业务批发化方向的转型对于兰州银行小微金融服务转型升级具有广泛的适用前景。

    And made a wholesale transformation of the retail business direction for Maryland bank restructuring and upgrading of small and micro finance services with a wide range of applicable prospect .

  4. 这家控股公司&浙江小微金融服务集团的业务已经扩展至理财产品、小型企业借贷,并成为了中国最大的货币市场基金。

    The holding company , now known as the Zhejiang Small and Micro Financial Services Company , has expanded to include wealth management products , small-business lending and China 's biggest money market fund .

  5. 由此,本文围绕小微金融服务概念,兰州银行小微金融服务的现状与工作方式研究、兰州银行小微金融服务转型设计的具体实施方式展开了系统性阐述。

    Thus , the paper focuses on the concept of small and micro financial services , small and micro financial services Lanzhou bank status and work study , specific embodiments Maryland bank restructuring of small and micro financial services designed to start a systematic elaboration .

  6. 这份关于中国35岁以下创业者的报告由人力资源和社会保障部与国内微金融先驱宜信公司共同发布。报告发现,33.8%的创业者是在校或刚毕业的学生,其中半数人没有任何工作经验。

    Published by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security , and Chinese microfinance pioneer CreditEase , the report on Chinese entrepreneurs under the age of 35 found that 33.8 % of the entrepreneurs are students or new graduates , and half of them have no work experience .

  7. 首先,本文引用小微企业金融支持理论,为接下来的分析打好理论基础。

    First of all , this paper refers to the financial support of small and micro businesses , make a theory foundation for the next analysis .

  8. 重塑运营模式才是大型商业银行有效解决小微企业金融拓展的有效途径。

    One of the effective methods , for large commercial banks to effectively solve the loan expansion of small micro enterprises , is to reshape the operational mode .

  9. 小微企业金融债是商业银行发行的、募集专项资金用于发放小微企业贷款的金融债券,是增加小微企业贷款资金来源、优化小微金融服务的新型融资工具。

    Small micro-enterprise financial bonds , which are issued by commercial banks , are used to raise special funds for the loans to small and micro enterprises ( Hereinafter abbreviated as SMEs ') .

  10. 在商业银行对吸收存款的风险厌恶程度提高、对融资成本上升的敏感性下降的情况下,商业银行能够通过发行小微企业金融债实现净收益最大化。

    In the commercial bank deposits of risk aversion increases , SMEs ' loans to the rising cost of revenue decreased sensitivity of the situation , commercial banks can maximize net gains realized through the issuance of SMEs ' financial bonds .

  11. 文中利用实际案例和数据详细介绍工行珠海分行小微企业金融服务方案的主要内容,主要通过四个方面进行阐述:方案目标、方案原则、方案内容、风险控制。

    Making use of practical cases and data , this paper introduces the loan services scheme for small micro enterprises in Zhuhai branch of ICBC in detail . It is introduced in the following four aspects : scheme target , scheme principle , scheme content , and risk control .

  12. 而且大银行还有规模、技术、信誉等方面的优势可以支持大银行实现对小微企业的金融服务。

    The large scaled banks have vantage of scale ; technology and credibility which can help them support small-and-micro sized enterprises .

  13. 本文基于一种离散时间微结构模型研究金融市场背后隐含的两个变量:过剩需求和流动性。

    We study the hidden excess demand and market liquidity behind financial market based on a discrete time microstructure model .

  14. 总理还表示,将进一步强化对中小微企业普惠性金融支持措施。

    The Premier adds that stronger measures will be implemented to offer inclusive financial support to micro , small and medium-sized enterprises .

  15. 从共生角度对村镇银行与农户和小微企业、其他金融组织的关系进行了梳理,论证了村镇银行发展过程中的共生机理。

    Discussing the relationship between rural bank and farmer , rural bank and small enterprises , rural bank and other financial institutions from symbiosis view , the paper demonstrates the symbiosis mechanism during rural bank development .

  16. 本文针对小微企业融资难的问题,从我国农村商业银行对小微企业金融支持角度来分析,试图得出农村商业银行支持小微企业发展的有针对性的政策建议。

    In this paper the financing problem of small and micro businesses , from our country rural commercial banks to small and micro businesses financial support perspective , trying to develop the rural commercial banks to support small and micro businesses targeted policy recommendations .

  17. 从银行视角出发,找出符合当前小微企业贷款途径的最佳模式,为银行有针对性地开展小微企业金融服务业务提供了理论基础和实例参照。

    From the bank perspective , this paper discovers the best model of loan path suitable for current small micro enterprises . This provides theoretical basis and instance reference for banks to develop loan service for small micro enterprises .