
  • 网络List of German Field Marshals
  1. 看看,俄国士兵在盯着咱们看呢,他们肯定很感兴趣,一个德国元帅是什么样子的,然后会发现这家伙除了军衔符号以外和其他的德国战俘没什么不同。

    " Look at this : Russian soldiers are watching us , they are interested what German field marshal looks like , and he differs from others captured by only signs of his rank " .

  2. 6月6号,被希特勒分配去保卫法国海岸沙漠之狐(隆美尔是二战的一位著名的德国陆军元帅,通称沙漠之狐译注)去了德国为他的妻子庆生。

    The Desert Fox , tasked by Hitler to defend the coast of France , had gone to Germany to celebrate his wifes birthday on June 6 .

  3. 二战中德国最高陆军元帅,他指挥了攻克波兰的战役并领导了阿登尼斯反击战。

    German field marshal in World War II who directed the conquest of Poland and led the Ardennes counteroffensive ( 1875-1953 ) .