
  1. 徽菜是中国传统的八大菜系之一。

    Anhui cuisine is one of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine .

  2. 为振兴徽菜事业,本文提出几条可行的措施。

    In order to promote the emblem vegetable enterprise , this article proposes several feasible measures .

  3. 内容:1.展示鲁菜、徽菜、云南菜的独特风格。

    Contents : 1 . Displaying unique features of Shandong food , Anhui dish and Yunnan cuisine .

  4. 徽菜概论

    An Introduction to Hui Cuisine

  5. 在徽菜菜单上,人们会发现油煎或爆炒的菜肴要比煮的菜肴少。

    Among the dishes on the hui cuisine menu , you will find fried or quick-fled dishes than those that are braised .

  6. 姚玉舟在欢迎辞中,热烈欢迎省内外的烹饪专家、徽菜大师们来马鞍山。

    YAO Yu-Zhou in welcoming , warm welcome culinary experts inside and outside the province , Huizhou masters to the Ma On Shan .

  7. 从过去的口口相传,到现在通过网络用数字化的方式推介徽菜,安徽的饮食文化正在发生着巨变。

    From verbal advertisement in the past to present digital promotion of Anhui food through internet , a great change has taken place in Anhui cuisine culture .