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  • pericardium
  1. 心包膜移植在结膜囊成形术中的应用

    Application of pericardium transplantation in the plastic surgery of conjunctival sac

  2. 我从心包膜中取出了一个小血块。

    I removed a small clot from the pericardium .

  3. 肿瘤已经渗入到心包膜了。

    The tumor infiltrated into the pericardium .

  4. 尔后食道显影检查也确立一食道心包膜瘘管位于食道及心包膜腔之问。

    An esophagogram revealed an esophagopericardial fistula connected between the lower esophagus and the pericardial sac .

  5. 壁层胸膜在胸壁内侧覆盖肋骨和心包膜。

    The parietal pleura lines the inside of the chest and covers the ribs and the pericardium .

  6. 刺激普拉那能量流向胃、小肠、泌尿系统和胆、心包膜和肾脏穴位。

    Stimlautes the pranic flow in the stomach , small intestine , urinary and gall bladders , pericardium and kidney meridians .

  7. 创伤性心包膜填塞病况会几分钟内容易恶化,但是适当的步骤可病患生命徵像稳定。

    A patient with acute pericardial tamponade can deteriorate in minutes , but many can be saved if proper steps are taken .

  8. 结果23例结膜囊狭窄患者手术全部成功,结膜囊成形良好,未见并发症。心包膜移植在结膜囊成形术中的应用

    Results 23 eyes of the conjunctival all success , no serious complications appeared . Application of pericardium transplantation in the plastic surgery of conjunctival sac

  9. 并有50%以上的心脏组织(心包膜、心肌、主动脉干)也出现了病理改变。

    Further - more , more than 50 % of heart tissue ( pericardium , myocardium and aortic trunk ) had been determined to have pathologic lesion .

  10. 法乐四联症矫治手术前后心功能及心腔几何构型的变化对18例法乐四联症患儿胸骨正中进胸,行姑息术后置入膨体聚四氟乙烯人工心包膜以替代心前区心包关闭心包腔。

    Changes of cardiac function before and after surgical rectifying in patients with tetralogy of fallot Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene ( ePTEF ) surgical membrane was used in primary pericardial closure during palliative procedures in 18 patients with Tetralogy of Fallot ( TOF ) .

  11. 目的:筛选脱牛心包衍生膜材料的制备方法,观察其组织结构和力学性能,探讨作为支架材料的可能性。

    Objective : To choose the best procedure on preparation of acellular bovine pericardium ( BP ) bio-derived material and to validate the possibility of its use as brace material .

  12. 胸腔镜心包开窗术治疗难治性恶性心包积液的价值31个癌症病人因大量心胞膜积水接受剑突下心包膜切开术及肋膜心包膜开窗术。

    The Evaluation of Pericardial Window by Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery in the Treatment of Malignant Pericardial Effusion 31 cancer patients with symptomatic pericardial effusion were treated by subxiphoid pericardiotomy with simultaneous pleuropericardial window creation .