
  1. 补心血,益心气。适用于心血虚、心气不足所出现的心悸怔忡、失眠多梦等症。

    Is suitable the palpitation palpitation which in the heart blood deficiency and related debilities , the frame of mind insufficient appears , loses sleep the multi-dreams and so on sickness .

  2. 充血性心力衰竭,一般属中医喘息、水肿、心悸、怔忡、心痹、心水等病证范畴。

    The basic factors in the pathogenesis of congestive heart failure include deficiency of both yin and yang and stagnation of the heart vessels .

  3. 中医学中虽然没有这个病名,但从临床表现看当属中医心悸、怔忡、胸痹、眩晕、不寐等范畴。

    Although there is not this sickness name in the traditional Chinese medicine , which , from the clinical manifestation , is the Chinese medicine palpitation , the palpitation , the obstruction of Qi in chest , the dizziness , insomnia and so on .

  4. 首先是病证名称与病位认识,把怔忡惊悸归类于心悸范畴,心悸即怔忡,病位在心,名医学术著作对此认识已比较集中。

    The first is the name of the disease and syndrome with patients understanding , palpitation , classified as " palpitations " category palpitation that is , the disease in mind , doctors scholarly works of awareness has been more concentrated .