
  • 网络psychology;Department of Psychology
  1. 心理学科中国化早期发展的历程与特点

    Development and features of the China-specific psychology

  2. 语言学习策略的研究开始于20世纪60年代,是外语教学与心理学科交叉的产物。

    Studies on language learning strategies began in 1960s , which is the overlapping result of foreign language teaching and psychology .

  3. 军队疗养院心理学科的发展优势;

    The development of the psychics faculty in the military sanatorium .

  4. 因而可以参考心理学科中常用的定义法则对其进行判断。

    Thus can reference mental discipline used in the definition of law of the judgment .

  5. 当前意识研究的复兴不仅是现代自然科学、哲学思潮影响的结果,也是心理学科内部矛盾运动的产物。

    Influenced by modern natural science and philosophy , the revival of consciousness study is the result of internal development in psychology itself .

  6. 为探讨军队疗养院心理学科的发展,本文阐述了军队疗养院心理学科现状;

    To inquire into the development of the psychics faculty in the military sanatorium , it is expounded in this article that the actuality of the psychics faculty in the military sanatorium ;

  7. 性格在心理学科研究领域中是一个重要的问题,它涉及到个人的学习、工作、生活、为人、处事诸多方面,而性格特征则是认识个人性格的关键。

    Personality psychology is an important issue in the interdisciplinary field of research , which involves learning , work , personal life , in conduct , in which many aspects , while the character is the key to understanding personality .

  8. 中国心理学会学科分支的建设与发展

    Development of Psychological Science in open China

  9. 因此,犯罪心理学实际上是一门研究犯罪人心理的学科。

    Therefore , the subject of criminal psychology is in fact a study of the " mind of the criminal " .

  10. 从学生心理、学科发展和社会需求三位一体整合优化的角度探求地理教材编写中最有价值的知识体系。

    We should probe the most valuable knowledge system of geography textbooks by integrating students ' psychology , the geographic development , and social request .

  11. 所以研究留学生的第二语言习得(SLA)过程也即汉语习得过程,是一个涉及到认知理论,认知心理学和心理语言学多门学科的复杂的过程。

    To research the students of the second language acquisition ( SLA ) process , it is also called the Chinese acquisition process , which is a complex process that can involve lots of fields , such as cognitive theory , cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics .

  12. 高职学生若干社会心理因素对学科教学影响的调查分析

    A Survey of Higher Vocational College Students on the Effect of Some Social Psychological Factors on Subject-teaching

  13. 阅读理论和实践的发展受到了教育学、心理学、语言学和心理语言学等学科的影响。

    The development of reading theories and practice has been influenced by education , psychology , linguistics and psycholinguistics .

  14. 随着社会语言学及社会心理语言学等学科研究的深入发展,性别语言研究的领域也得以拓宽。

    With the development of sociolinguistics and society psycholinguistics studies , the field of gender language studies also gets broadened .

  15. 这种形式是适应学生学习心理与语文学科作为工具性学科的基本精神的。

    The form is suited to psychology of student learning and basic spirit of Chinese teaching as a tool subject .

  16. 随着近些年来认知语言学和心理语言学等学科的发展,心理词汇研究已逐渐成为一个备受关注的课题。

    Mental lexicon research has been a popular and independent subject as the development of cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics in recent years .

  17. 英汉菜名差异研究结果有利于跨文化交际,为菜名翻译与认知学,社会消费心理等跨学科研究提供素材及数据。

    The contrastive study is helpful for intercultural communication and provides raw data for interdisciplinary researches like menu translation with cognition , consumption and psychology .

  18. 中学思想政治课的性质及其内容特点决定了其成为对中学生进行心理健康教育学科渗透的主阵地。

    The nature and content of moral lesson in middle schools determine its position as a main front in mental health education by means of discipline .

  19. 语言世界图景成为语言文化学、认知语言学、心理语言学等学科共同关注的焦点。

    Under this condition , the theory of the Language World Vision has become the focus of the Linguistic Culturology , the Cognitive Linguistics and the Psychological Linguistics .

  20. 本文在普遍学习心理及化学学科理论的指导下,对新时期高一学生的化学学习心理做出探究、分析并归纳出各类学生在学习中表现出的独特心理。

    The thesis , which based on the widespread learning psychology theory and chemistry course theories , analyzes the special learning psychological characteristics of the Senior One various students nowadays .

  21. ⑵借鉴相近学科的首席术语定名法,心理学中的心理可以与学科名采用同一外语词形。

    ⑵ According to name-difined of some close to subjects for " first-term ", " psychology " may be named as name of the subject , i.e. both use same form in the foreign languages .

  22. 解读心理教育:多学科的视野

    Unscramble Psychological Education : Views of Multi-subjects

  23. 隐性知识和显性知识的研究在国外受到了应用语言学、心理语言学等诸多学科的关注。

    Implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge is an interdisciplinary research focus for applied linguistics and psycholinguistics abroad .

  24. 心理教育是多学科融合产生的新学科,是超科学的科学。

    It is a new subject of the amalgamation of several subjects , and an hyper-scientific science .

  25. 在20世纪,心理科学与其它学科之间相互借鉴、相互融合,从而不断分化或综合出一些新的研究领域和分支,既拓宽和深化了心理学的研究范围,也促进了相关学科的发展。

    In the 20th century , psychological science has developed some new branches of research which broadened its research domain and promoted the development of relative disciplines .

  26. 从认识论、心理学和教育学的角度考察,心理教育应当与学科教学整合起来,两者是一体的活动过程。

    From the opinions of pedagogy , instructional psychology and epistemology , cultivating psychological qualities should be integrated with discipline teaching because both are in one process .

  27. 给合学科教学培养学生良好的心理素质(简称学科心育)是心理素质教育的重要渠道。

    Develop students ' good psychological quality and integrate it with the course teaching ( Course Psychological Education for short ) is an important channel of psychological quality education .

  28. 心理教育是多学科共同关注的视域,要对心理教育形成更理性的认识,需要实现学科间的视域融合;

    In order to get a more rational understanding of psychological education , which is a common visual threshold of several subjects , we need to realize the " integration " among them .

  29. 而脱离“战役”设想的“遭遇战式”研究横行是造成心理科学内部分支学科林立与研究主题“无公共根基性”涣散的根本原因。

    In psychological science , a lot of " encounter " researches that separate themselves from the " campaign " assumption leads to many sub-disciplines and the " common rootlessness " of research subjects .

  30. 传播学是一门涉及研究社会事实与心理事实的具体学科,其中研究关涉到的社会、媒介与个体心灵是一组共生的相互建构关系。

    Communication is a specific disciplines involved in the study of social facts and psychological facts , including research concerning a society , the media and individual mind , is a mutual construction of symbiotic relationship .