
  • 网络ECG Heart;Heart to Heart;heart ecg
  1. 心电心向量同步仪的研制

    The development of an ECG and VCG simultaneous instrument

  2. 检测心电、心功能、CPK-MB以及心肌病理变化等,确定心肌挫伤分级标准。

    The changes of cardiogram , cardiac function , CPKMB and the myocardial pathology etc were examined to determine the classification criterion of MC .

  3. 二尖瓣置换加Cox手术对心房颤动转复、心电活动及心功能的影响

    Restoration of sinus rhythm and improvement of cardiac function by mitral valve replacement plus Cox maze procedure in patients with mitral disease and atrial fibrillation

  4. 本文应用医学上检测人体心电信息的动态心电仪,结合动态GPS等仪器,研究高速公路上在无其他车流影响下驾驶员行车通过平曲线时心率和横向力系数、半径和车速之间的关系。

    Appling the mobile ECG in medicine and combining the mobile GPS , the paper studies the relation among heart rate of drivers , coefficient of transverse factor , radius and driving speed on the horizontal curve of freeway without other traffic flow .

  5. 论文研究设计了一套硬件电路,该电路能够同时测量心电、心音、心阻抗信号。

    This paper devised a hardware unit , which is capable of carrying out simultaneous measurement of EEG , heart sound and heart impedance .