
xīn shū chū liàng
  • cardiac output;heart output;kinemia
心输出量[xīn shū chū liàng]
  1. C波波幅增加与心输出量的增加一致。

    The increase of the cardiac output followed the rise of C wave .

  2. R波振幅的改变与心输出量及心脏的泵血功能,尤其是肺动脉楔压之间无明显关系。

    The variation of R wave amplitude has little relation with cardiac output , heart pumping function , especially with pulmonary wedge pressure .

  3. 部分CO2重吸入法是一种新的无创性心输出量测量方法。

    Partial CO_2 rebreathing is a novel method for cardiac output measurement .

  4. 肺内分流量对部分CO2重复吸入法测定心输出量的影响

    Effect of intrapulmonary shunt on the accuracy of partial CO_2 rebreathing technique for cardiac output monitoring

  5. 气功组的小腿周径的减小,体重、脉压、日均心输出量和基础每搏量的降低均显著小于对照组(P<0.05)。

    The basal cardic output and the perimeter of shank of the Hypoxia group reduced significantly than those of the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 目的探讨部分CO2重复吸入法测定危重病患者心输出量的准确性及肺内分流量对其影响。

    Objective To evaluate the accuracy of partial CO_2 rebreathing technique , and the effect of intrapulmonary shunt .

  7. 结果提示:心肌MAP改变的机理是由于Pt直接作用于全身血管平滑肌使之收缩,外周阻力增加,心室的后负荷增大,心输出量减少和冠状动脉收缩血流阻力增加所致的全心性缺血。

    It is suggest that the change in MAP is resulted from the myocardial ischemia for coronary vasoconstriction produced by pituitrin .

  8. 目的应用彩色多普勒自动心输出量测量(automatedcardiacflowmeasurement,ACM)方法,定量测量主动脉瓣关闭不全患者的返流量,并评价其临床应用价值。

    Objective To quantify aortic regurgitant volume using automated cardiac flow measurement ( ACM ) and to assess its usefulness in clinical application .

  9. 不同部位DDD起搏对心输出量的影响

    Effects of Different Pacing Modes ( DDD ) on Cardiac Output

  10. 上述结果提示Ber可增加心输出量,增大哇巴因治疗的安全宽度。

    Above results suggested that Ber might increase the cardiac output and widen the margin of safty with ouabain-treatment .

  11. 结果:酗酒组每搏输出量与心输出量较对照组明显降低,其左心室重量较对照组明显增加(P<0.05~P<0.001);

    Results : Compared with the control group , stroke volume and cardiac output decreased , ventricular mass increased in the group of alcohol abuse significantly ( p < 0 05 p < 0 001 ) .

  12. 通过肺动脉导管记录心输出量(CO)、肺毛细血管楔压(PCWP)和中心静脉压(CVP)。

    Cardiac output ( CO ) , PCWP and CVP were measured with pulmonary artery catheter .

  13. 心力衰竭(HeartFailure,简称HF)是人类健康的最大威胁疾病之一,它的主要特征是心肌收缩力减小,心输出量降低。

    Heart failure ( HF ) has emerged as one of the largest threats to the public health , which is a primary cardiac disease characterized by decreased myocardial contractility and reduced cardiac output .

  14. ChildA、B级患者心输出量、心脏指数、左室射血分数明显增加,呈高动力循环状态;

    Cardiac output 、 cardiac index and left ventricular ejection fraction of Child A and Child B cirrhotics were markedly increased , indicating the character of hyperdynamic circulation ( P < 0.05 , P < 0 . )

  15. 分别对3组患者术前、术后4周、8周心脏射血分数(EF)及心输出量(CO)进行观察。

    Ejection fraction ( EF ) and cardiac output ( CO ) of patients in the 3 groups were evaluated before , 4 and 8 weeks after operation respectively .

  16. 经食管超声多普勒与Swan-Ganz导管测定的连续心输出量相关性比较

    Continuous cardiac output measurement with transesophageal Doppler echocardiography versus Swan Ganz catheter

  17. 在心输出量(CO)降至50%后,将卡托普利注射剂以1mg/kg静注,1h后以2mg/kg重复注射。

    Captopril ( CPT ) was injected at the dose of 1 mg / kg at 15 min after cardiac output ( CO ) decreased to 50 % of the base .

  18. B组均需每分钟5~10μg/kg多巴胺才能脱离体外循环机,9例术后使用临时起搏器,1例死于低心输出量综合征。

    After weaning , all of patients in group B were supported by 5-10 μ g · kg - 1 · min - 1 dopamin . Transient pacing was used in nine cases . One case died from low cardiac output syndrome .

  19. 对肾血流量和肾小球滤过率均无明显改变,但均使肾血流量/心输出量增高和肾血管阻力降低(P0.01,P0.05)。

    But the ratio of renal blood flow to cardiac output all rose ( P 0 . 01 ) , whereas the renal vascular resistance all decreased ( P 0 . 05 ) .

  20. 采用传统超声心动图测量每搏输出量(SV)、心输出量(CO)、左室射血分数(EF)以及二尖瓣血流频谱E/A比值;

    Stroke volume ( SV ), cardiac output ( CO ), left ventricular ejection fraction ( EF ) and valva mitralis prlsed-wave rate of E / A were measured by traditional echocardiographic .

  21. 结果:药效学和作用机理研究表明,PPC可明显减轻心肌缺血犬及大鼠心肌缺血程度和范围,增加冠状动脉血流量和心输出量;

    RESULTS : PPC can alleviate the status of myocardial ischemia in dogs and rats , enhance the flow of blood in coronary artery and cardiac output .

  22. 结论前列腺素E1能显著降低缺氧性肺动脉高压的肺动脉压,增加心输出量。

    Conclusions The results suggested that Prostaglandin E 1 could significantly decline the pulmonary artery pressure and increase the cardiac output in animals with acute hypoxic pulmonary hypertension .

  23. 围术期心输出量(C0)监测是反映危重病人心脏功能客观指标之一。

    Perioperative cardiac output ( C0 ) monitoring of critical patients is one of the objective indicators of cardiac functions .

  24. 利用静脉注射Rb~(86)Cl后,从其血液稀释曲线计算心输出量,并从各器官的分布百分率计算其血流量。

    After a single intravenous injection of Rb ~ ( 86 ) Cl , cardiac output was calculated from the blood dilution curve and organ blood flows from the fractional distribution of the indicator .

  25. 复元胶囊能减少LPA生成,增加心输出量,扩张冠状动脉,改善微循环,改善血液流变性。

    Fu-Yuan capsule can decrease production of LPA , increase CO , expand coronary arteries , improve microcirculation and blood rheological characteristic in CHD patients .

  26. 结果:(1)SIE与DIE时心率、收缩压、舒张压、肺动脉收缩压、心输出量及总血管阻力明显增加(p<001);

    Results 1.During SIE and DIE , heart rate , systolic and diastolic blood pressure , pulmonary artery systolic pressure , cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance increased ( p < 0 01 );

  27. 术后48h心脏在射血分数不变的情况下,每搏输出量增加,同时局部血流量增加,心输出量增加。

    Increased stroke volume at 48 hour post operation in the condition of unchanged ejection fraction was reflected by increased blood volume and increased regional blood flow and cardiac output simultaneously .

  28. 结论前列腺素E1可明显降低栓塞引起的肺动脉高压,增加心输出量,改善氧合。

    Conclusion The present study suggested that PGE 1 could significantly decrease the pulmonary artery pressure , elevate the cardiac output , and improve oxygenation in pigs with acute thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension .

  29. 结果:AAI型组的心脏射血分数(EF)、心搏量(SV)和心输出量(CO)分别比VVI型组增加8.3%、11.7%和17.3%(P均<0.05)。

    Results : Comparing with the VVI group , EF , SV and CO in the AAI group increased by 8.3 % , 11.7 % and 17.3 % , respectively ( p < 0.05 ) .

  30. DynaPulse动态血压仪测量心输出量与Fick法和多普勒超声法的比较

    A new method of non-invasive determination of cardiac output by dynapulse : comparison with direct Fick method and Doppler echocardiography