
xīn lǐng
  • understand
心领 [xīn lǐng]
  • [understand] 套语,用于辞谢他人的馈赠或宴请等

  • 雅意心领

心领[xīn lǐng]
  1. 雅意心领!

    I appreciate your kindness but must decline the offer .

  2. 你的好意我心领了。

    I appreciate your kindness ( but can not accept your gift or invitation ) .

  3. 先生,你的好意我心领了,但我无法接受。

    Monsieur , I could not accept such a generous offer .

  4. 你的好意我心领了,可是不能接受。

    I appreciate your kind offer but cannot accept it .

  5. 心领了,不必费心。

    That 's sweet , but please don 't worry .

  6. 偶尔会有些读者说,我应该去当首相。他们的好意我心领了,但我难当此任。

    Some kind readers occasionally suggest that I should be prime minister .

  7. 谢谢你,你好意我心领了。

    Thank you . that 's very generous of you .

  8. 所以,对于购买零配件给予15%折扣的好意,我心领了。谢谢!

    So thanks for the offer of15 % off on parts and accessories .

  9. 你送的玫瑰我虽然没有接受,可我心领了呀!

    Though I did not accept your rose , my heart has accepted it !

  10. 你的邀请我心领了,感谢盛意改日一定践约。

    Thanks for the invitation , but I 'll have to take a rain-check on it .

  11. -爸我心领了但以后-受不了了

    Dad , I appreciate it , but in the future - I can 't stand this .

  12. 在此同时,相当多的家庭正挣扎心领了。

    At the same time , a good number of families are struggling to make ends meet .

  13. 选择一个好些的想法再说,比如:“我要买这个,我的心领受了它。”

    Select a better thought , decree ," I 'll buy it . I accept it in my mind . "