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zhōnɡ yì
  • Loyalty and righteousness;loyal and righteous
忠义 [zhōng yì]
  • (1) [loyal and righteous]∶忠心和义气

  • 忠义之士

  • (2) [a loyal and righteous person]∶指有忠心和义气的人

  • 表彰忠义

  1. 中央电视台(CCTV)最近访问了这个学院,并采访了校长甄忠义。甄忠义说,校园设计仅仅是汲取了欧洲哥特式建筑的风格;

    State broadcaster CCTV paid a recent visit to the campus and spoke to the principal , Zhen Zhongyi , who said that the campus 's design was based merely on European Gothic architecture ;

  2. 你是个忠义的人,必是报好信息。

    A worthy man like you must be bringing good news .

  3. 诚犬护院为忠义,憨猪虽呆惹人怜。

    Sincere dogs for loyalty , foster care Silly pig though stay provoking pity .

  4. 亚多尼雅说,进来罢;你是个忠义的人,必是报好信息。

    And Adonijah said , Come in ; for you are a worthy man and bring good news .

  5. 唐代旌表制度有着自己的特点,旌表对象侧重于忠义和孝友。

    The conferring honor system in Tang dynasty has its own characteristics , which focuses on loyalty and filial piety .

  6. 浅论郭嵩焘归隐与湖湘文化忠义之气华侨抗战:中华民族精神的深刻诠释

    Overseas Chinese in ( China 's ) Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression : A Profound Interpretation of Chinese Patriotic Ethos

  7. 紫色:紫色介于黑红两色之间,刚正威严的人物和忠义厚道的人物常用紫色脸。

    Purple : Purple between black and red , justice , august , honest and kindly people use purple mask most .

  8. 该诗是诗人自鸣中怀之作,诗中所表忠义确系真心。

    This poem expressed the poet 's affection in the cockles of the heart and the loyalism in the poem was sincere .

  9. 武术精神在关羽身上主要体现的是义,包括忠义、恩义和侠义。

    Mainly reflected the spirit of Yue Fei is " righteousness " of the martial spirit , including loyalty , gratitude , and magnanimity .

  10. 你使这一切降在我们身上,是公义的,因为你所行的是忠义,而我们所行的是邪恶。

    And thou art just in all things that have come upon us : because thou hast done truth , but we have done wickedly .

  11. 当下赛季第一个比赛日来临的时候,亨德森将可能为利物浦第一次上场,而面对的对手是旧主桑德兰。亨德森的家族将面临两难的忠义选择。

    Jordan Henderson 's family will have divided loyalties when he makes full Liverpool debut on the opening day of the season-against his former club Sunderland .

  12. 唐代社会转型与唐人小说的忠义观念&兼论唐代的关羽崇拜

    The Transitive Types of the Tang Society and the Ideas of Comradeship in the Tang Fiction : Including the Cult of Guan Yu in the Tang Period

  13. 由于国情和组织构成的影响和塑造,较之东北义和团,忠义军在抗俄斗争的表现上有所不同。

    Compared to the Northeast Boxer , the group had a different performance in the fight against Tsarist Russia , because of the effects of national conditions .

  14. 山东作家以齐鲁文化的忠义观念写新社会英雄,根源于创作主体的文化心理结构。

    Shandong writers wrote heroes of new society by loyalty and chivalry of Qi Lu culture , which had stemmed from the cultural mental structure of creative subjects .

  15. 目前对东北抗俄斗争的研究成果颇丰,其中对义和团、忠义军和抗俄清军的评价不乏存在有失公正的现象。

    The study has great results now , in which exists unfair phenomenon of evaluating the Northeast Boxer , the Loyalty Army and the Qing Army against Russia .

  16. 思想内容不同,小说中的「忠义」体现的是汉代以后皇权独尊的内涵;

    Secondly , their themes are different . The " loyalty " embodied in The Legend of Shuihu is a loyalty to the emperor after the Han Dynasty .

  17. 元遗民诗人戴良推崇陶渊明的忠义气节,作有《和陶诗》一卷。

    Dai Liang , an adherent of the Yuan Dynasty , praised Tao 's loyalty and righteousness highly and wrote a volume , Poems in Reply to the Tao 's.

  18. 《三国演义》所表现的是“天下归一”的进步思想以及忠义精神的宣扬。

    What 《 the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》 displays are the progressive thought of " the world turns over to one " as well as the publicizing of loyalty and righteousness spirit .

  19. 这一形象,深深植根于中华民族的共同文化心理,尤其是伦理文化,因而堪称民族文化孕育的忠义英雄。

    This image is deeply rooted in the common cultural psychology of the Chinese nation , especially the culture of moral principles . Therefore the image of Guan Yu is the hero of loyalty created by national culture .

  20. 关羽也是唯一被佛、道、儒三家崇拜的神,佛教把他当成是护法。道家、儒家把他当成是“忠义”的象征,尊称为“关圣帝君”。

    Guan Yu was the only God worshiped by Buddhism , Daoism and Confucianism in China : Buddhism regards him as the protector of the Buddha dharma ; and he was the symbol of devotion and fidelity being honored as Guandi Sheng Jun ( the holy person ) in Daoism and Confucianism .