
kuài màn
  • speed
快慢 [kuài màn]
  • [speed] 指速度

  • 这些按钮是管快慢的

快慢[kuài màn]
  1. 其中,定位目标三角形的快慢是影响逐点插入法生成Delaunay三角网效率高低的一个重要因素,同时也是影响内插速度的关键。

    The speed of locating destination triangle has great effect on the efficiency of constructing Delaunay Triangular Net by incremental insertion algorithm as well as on the speed of Interpolation .

  2. 结果:根据肝脏放射性显像的快慢及浓聚程度分为0,I,II级,对照组和常规断肢再植组均为II级显像;

    RESULTS : There were grade 0 , I , and II in terms of the speed of radioactive imaging of liver and the degree of concentration . The control group and the routine replantation of severed limb group were grade II imaging .

  3. 这条轮船的快慢怎么样?

    What 's the speed of this steamer ? or how fast can this steamer sail ?

  4. 刚开始的时候,无论是进退快慢还是左右旋转,他都非常认真的尊从船夫的指挥。

    At the beginning , he followed the boatman 's instruction carefully , no matter whether it was to go ahead or back , turn left or right .

  5. N在土壤中随水分的迁移的快慢与土壤干湿程度、淋溶土层厚度,土壤颗粒组成及其土壤的持水特征等因素有关。

    The hystersis of N transfer in the soil with water was affected by several factors .

  6. 还记得么,我们会在每个wave结束时根据玩家完成速度的快慢给一个奖励分数。

    Remember , we are giving a bonus at the end of every wave , based on how quickly the player completes it .

  7. 系数B反映了活性组分粘结能力随惰性物增加而变化的快慢。

    The constant A is approximately equal to 110 or 20.The coefficient B represents the rate of varying caking capability of active component with increasing inert content .

  8. 针对快慢型vanderpol系统,提出了注入反馈的慢流形控制方法。

    Slow manifold control method is presented for slow-fast Van der Pol system .

  9. 具有快速的响应速度是应用系统设计的标准之一,特别是对基于Web的开发,响应速度的快慢有时甚至影响到应用软件的使用价值。

    A fast response speed is one of the standards of application system design , especially the development based on Web , sometimes it even impacts the value of the system .

  10. 心肺机能的强弱一方面对运动中LA生成的多少有影响,另一方面与LA缓冲能否顺利进行有关。因此它对运动酸碱失衡恢复的快慢起着重要的作用。

    So , the cardiopulmonary system plays an important role in the recovery process of acid base unbalance caused by exercise .

  11. 脱水速率快慢直接影响干后外观质量、复水性能和VC的保存。

    While the effect of dehydrating rate on dry mushroom quality , preservation of VC and restoration of water was analyzed too .

  12. 不同ACE基因型不能确切作为士兵耐力素质好坏和提升速度快慢的指标。

    ACE genotype could not be used as an accurate indicator to evaluate the endurance capacity and improvement of efficiency of soldiers .

  13. 以往的BP算法调节神经元网络的权值,其网络的隐层结点数、网络学习快慢程度及网络的泛化能力都与网络的激励函数有关的。

    BP algorithm is often used to correct weights of neural network because number of hidden nodes , studying speed and generation ability of neural network are related to activation function .

  14. 结果:AF组脑动脉血流速度快慢不一,各动脉血管的Vm均较对照组降低,P<0.05或0.01。

    Results : The Vm of AF patients was different and lower than that of normal control ( P < 0.01 ) .

  15. VO编辑系统制作快慢特技初探

    An Initial Exploration into the Making of Fast or Slow Trick Shot with VO Editorial System

  16. P-SV快慢横波旋转分离公式研究

    P-SV fast and slow shear wave rotary splitting equations

  17. 其中,当f遵从单调情形时,又按f(t)-at与l/t衰减速度的快慢,分三种情况对解的增长速度进行分析,得到了一些较好的结果。

    What 's more , in the monotone case , according to the decay speed of f ( t ) - at , we make the exploration and get some good results .

  18. 通过溶胀动力学方程对其溶胀过程进行了描述,水凝胶中聚乙烯醇的含量,试样尺寸以及溶胀体系的pH值,是溶胀速率快慢的重要影响因素。

    The swelling process was described by the equation of swelling dynamics equation . The swelling rate was greatly influenced by the PVA content , the pH of solution and the dimension of hydrogel sample .

  19. 通过心率快慢,心动过速发作与窦律下QRS波振幅差别可能无助于AVRT和AVNRT的鉴别。

    Heart rate and difference in amplitude of QRS wave did not help to distinguish AVRT from AVNRT .

  20. 2对液态金属Ni系统进行模拟研究时,重点考虑冷却速率对凝固过程中微观结构转变的快慢和最后形成的微观结构的影响。

    Performing the simulation study of liquid metal Ni system , the emphasis is to consider the effects of cooling rate on the transition speed of microstructures and the structures formed in the end .

  21. 本文着重研究全数字QAM接收机中载波恢复环路的设计,采用快慢两个数字环路来进行载波恢复。

    The design of the carrier recovery loops in an all-digitized QAM receiver is investigated and two cascaded digital carrier recovery loops are proposed .

  22. 而且,在富氧气氛下退火后,Sb掺杂晶体的发光谱特征变化较小,仍能保持较高的快慢分量比。

    Furthermore , after annealing in oxygen rich atmosphere , the Sb doped PWO crystals can still remain a high percentage of the fast component for their less change of luminescence character .

  23. 但是由于大功率LDA特殊的有源区波导结构,使得输出的光束在快慢轴上发散角比较大,光束质量也相差很大。

    However , because of special wave-guide structure , angles and quality of the beam in the fast axis is greatly different from those in the slow axis .

  24. 本文考虑神经元之间突触的时滞,借助HR耦合神经元模型,研究分析了时滞的变化对具有快慢时间尺度系统的簇放电的影响。

    Taking the time-delay underling the neuronal system into account , we investigated in this paper the effect of time-delay on the bursting activity in the system with fast-slow time scale by the coupled HR model .

  25. 该吸附可用粒子内扩散模型拟合,常数C值不为0,表明粒子内扩散速度不是Bt毒素在供试胶体表面吸附快慢的唯一控制因素。

    The adsorption kinetic of Bt toxin can be described by the intra-particle diffusion model , however , the value of the contant C was not 0 . This phenomenon showed that the speed of intra-particle diffusion was not the only dominant factor of the adsorption .

  26. 同样,重构期间,DURO的用户请求响应时间也不受重构速度快慢的影响。

    During reconstruction , the response time of user requests is not influenced by reconstructing speed .

  27. 土壤原有C和秸秆C的分解进程与微生物量12C和微生物量14C的动态变化趋势一致,说明有机碳分解的快慢是土壤微生物活动强弱的外在表现。

    Decomposition processes of soil native C and straw C showed similar trends to dynamics of soil biomass 12C and soil biomass 14C , which indicated that decomposition rates of organic C were the apparent indication of activity of soil organisms .

  28. 结论:低钙对PTM和DTM骨骼产生不同程度的影响,骨高转换的PTM比代谢缓慢的DTM骨丢失程度严重,这种影响的差异可能与机体动用不同部位骨钙的快慢有关。

    PTM with high bone turnover lost much more bone mass than DTM with low bone turnover which were related to the speed of body moving skeletal calcium in different site .

  29. 对其中28例进行了骨髓细胞形态学及PCR或nest-PCR扩增情况的近期追踪观察,发现后者既敏感又客观,而且PCR特异扩增带消失快慢的不同,可能与患儿对化疗药物敏感程度不同有关。

    Follow-up study with bone marrow morphology and PCR or nest-PCR indicates the latter is more sensitive and objective than morphology . That specific amplified bands disappear at different time in different patients suggesting that their sensitivity to chemotherapy drugs is different .

  30. 针对独立运动部件(IMC)运动快慢的不同,该方法分解为适合较慢运动IMC的形态运动滤波器方法和适合较快运动IMC的变化检测掩码方法。

    Considering fast or slow motion of EMC , the approach consists of one based in Morphological Motion Filter which is fit for IMC with slow motion and another based in Change Detection Mask which is fit for IMC with fast motion .