
  • 网络quick freezing;rapid cool;plung-freezing
  1. 奶牛胚胎简易快速冷冻及其移植试验研究

    A Study on Simplified Quick Freezing and Transfer of Embryos in Dairy Cattle

  2. 快速冷冻牛体外受精胚胎

    Quick freezing of bovine IVF embryos

  3. 研究了用3种不同方法(A法:程序冷冻;B法:超快速冷冻;C法:玻璃化冷冻)冷冻保存的牛GV期卵母细胞的发育潜力。

    The developmental competences of bovine GV Stage oocytes cryopreserved by three methods ( Method A : Conventional freezing procedures ; Method B : ultrarapid freezing ; Method C : Vitrification ) were studied .

  4. 猪精液0.5ml细管快速冷冻和解冻方法的优化

    Optimization of Freezing and Thawing Protocol of Rapid Freezing Techniques of Boar Semen in 0.5 ml Straws

  5. 对牛卵泡卵母细胞体外受精(IVF)168h的致密桑椹胚、囊胚用常规快速冷冻法、预冷和不预冷的超快速冷冻法进行了冷冻保存试验。

    Bovine follicular oocyte IVF 168 h compact morula and blastocyst were frozen by using methods of conventional rapid freezing , ultra rapid freezing of prefreezing and non prefreezing .

  6. 目的:探讨精子冷冻保存剂(TEST-YOLK-Buffer,TYB)及快速冷冻法和液氮缓慢冷冻法两种不同的冷冻方法对人精子活力的影响。

    Objection : To study effect of the TEST-YOLKBuffer ( TYB ) cryoprotectant and two freeze methods on motility of human sperm .

  7. 大鼠肾组织的超低温快速冷冻固定和冷冻置换研究

    Ultra Low Temperature-rapid Freezing and Frozen Substitution of Rat Renal Tissue

  8. 一种简单的快速冷冻固定和冷冻置换制备生物样品的方法

    A simple method of rapid-freezing and frozen substitution for preparing biological specimens

  9. 我们对牛胚胎快速冷冻技术进行了研究。

    The fast freezing technique for bovine embryos was studied .

  10. 小鼠皮肤快速冷冻:体外长期保存的方法

    Vitrification of mice skin : A method of long-term conservation in vitro

  11. 大鼠早期胚的快速冷冻保存

    Frozen Storage of Rat Embryos by Quick Freezing Method

  12. 小鼠体外受精、胚胎培养及胚胎快速冷冻的研究

    Study on in vitro Fertilization , Embryonic Culture and Embryonic Rapid-Freezing in Mice

  13. 建立了快速冷冻条件下溶质粒子偏聚模型。认为快速冷冻阶段包括低温冷冻和空气回温两个阶段。

    The process of rapid freezing contains two stages , low-temperature-freezing and temperature-raising .

  14. 甲状腺微小癌的快速冷冻切片诊断及免疫组化分析

    Diagnosis of thyroid microcarcinoma by frozen sections and immunohistochemistry

  15. 罪犯是第一批申请快速冷冻的顾客。

    Criminals were the first to apply for quick-freezing .

  16. 牛胚胎快速冷冻技术的研究

    A Study on Fast Freezing of Bovine Embryos

  17. 方法:用酶组织化学方法观察快速冷冻后的肌肉组织切片,用透射电镜观察其超微结构。

    Methods : Enzymatic histochemical method and transmission electron microscopy were adopted in this study .

  18. 这些加工站和这台机器每天可以快速冷冻成千上万的牡蛎。

    These processing stations and this machine would be flash freezing thousands of oysters each day .

  19. 采用快速冷冻干燥法和化学方法对生物材料进行制孔处理。

    The procedure with frozen-drying and chemistry were used to produce porous structure in the biomaterials .

  20. 猪精子内阳离子在保存、冷休克和快速冷冻中的变化

    The Changes of Cations Concentration in Boar Spermatozoa During Incubation and After Cold Shock and Rapid Freezing

  21. 不过,最好是把葡萄酒放到冰箱里快速冷冻一下,而不是直接放在冰桶里。

    But they really need a quick burst in the fridge , as opposed to an ice bucket .

  22. 现在已经确切地证实了,这只猫的经历使人萌发了快速冷冻人体这一想法。

    It has now been definitely established that the experiences of this cat led to the idea of quick-frozen people .

  23. 慢速降温冷冻组的胚胎发育率为48.8%,效果明显好于快速冷冻法;

    The development rale of the embryos frozen slowly was 48.8 % , significantly higher than that of embryos frozen rapidly .

  24. 将兔2细胞,4细胞,8细胞以及桑椹期的胚胎快速冷冻。

    The rabbit embryos at stages of 2 cell , 4 cell , 8 cell and morula were frozen with vitrified methods .

  25. 他举了个例子,林德提供低温冷冻机,用液氮来快速冷冻树莓这类娇弱、营养丰富的水果。

    To give one example : Linde supplies cryogenic freezers rapidly to cool sensitive , nutrient-rich fruits such as raspberries using liquid nitrogen .

  26. 因此,小鼠皮肤快速冷冻可以作为一种皮肤体外保存的方法。

    However , the method of vitrifying the mice skin quickly in this paper may be used to conserve the skin in vitro .

  27. 将快速冷冻的丝素水溶液真空干燥之前,进行反复解冻&冷冻,则所制得的多孔丝素材料的孔径增大、孔密度减小;

    Quick-frozen silk fibroin solution is repeated thaw-freezing before vacuum-drying , thus the pore radius of porous silk fibroin materials increased and pore density decreased ;

  28. 除罪犯之外,大多数申请快速冷冻的人似乎都是些陷于难以维持的婚姻困境中的丈夫或妻子。

    Next to criminals , the majority of people who applied for quick-freeZing seem to have been husbands or wives caught in insupportable marital situations .

  29. 取肝右叶进行组织学检查,快速液氮冷冻保存相近部位肝组织待进一步行内皮素A受体mRNA原位杂交;

    The second , histological changes of liver were estimated , endothelin receptor mRNA of liver was examed by in situ hybridization after keeping in liquid nitrogen .

  30. 将2~3日龄的兔胚,在1.5M&DMSO的PB1溶液中,用快速法冷冻。

    Rabbit embryos , aged 2-3 days , were subjected to rapid freezing in PB1 medium with 1.5 M DMSO .