
kuài sù fǎn yìng
  • Rapid response;fast reaction
快速反应[kuài sù fǎn yìng]
  1. 火警快速反应系统中GIS关键技术研究

    Research of GIS Key Techniques for Fire Alarm Control Fast Reaction System

  2. 本文对119消防快速反应系统的一些GIS关键技术进行了研究。

    This paper studies some key techniques in 119 fire alarm control fast reaction system .

  3. 这个时候应该果断行动、快速反应。

    This is a time of decisive action and quick thinking

  4. 他坚持安理会连夜再次召开会议以授权快速反应部队介入。

    He insisted that the security council be reconvened that night to authorise the rapid reaction force .

  5. 快速反应的核心思想就是缩短反应顾客需求的提前期(Leadtime),即交货提前期。

    The core thinking of quick response is to shorten the lead time in response to consumer 's demand .

  6. 基于GIS的安徽省地震应急快速反应系统及数据库建设

    Earthquake Emergency Quick Response System and Database Construction Based on GIS in Anhui Province

  7. 基于ERP的快速反应财务系统研究

    Study on the Finance System with Prompt Response Based on ERP

  8. 洪涝灾情快速反应的星载SAR与TM数据的融合处理

    On Quick Response to Flood with Fusion of SAR and TM Data

  9. 结果表明:土壤溶液中Cr(Ⅵ)减少动力学过程可以分为二个步骤,第一步为快速反应,它主要由吸附反应所控制;

    The first step is a fast reaction depending mainly on the rate of Cr (ⅵ) adsorption .

  10. 浅谈对尿素合成塔CO2转化率的认识&高压液气(汽)管式快速反应器的应用研究

    Discussion on Ratio of Carbon Dioxide Conversion in Urea Reactor : Research on Application of HP Liquid-Gas Tube Reactor

  11. 高级氧化过程研究需要如臭氧化、·OH自由基反应等快速反应的动力学信息。

    Research of Advanced Oxidation Processes ( AOPs ) requires kinetic information of fast reactions related to ozone and hydroxyl free radical · OH .

  12. 文中介绍了雷达卫星SAR的技术特点及其在今年洪涝灾情快速反应中的作用。

    This paper briefs the technology characteristics of Radarsat SAR and its positive role in high speed response on the flood of this year .

  13. 这表明在快速反应期,HCG通过促进StAR蛋白的表达,增强睾酮的生物合成。

    The results showed that in the ( acute ) period , HCG could increase the concentration of testosterone by promoting StAR expression .

  14. 计划中的会议将是快速反应论坛(rapidresponseforum)的首次会议,这一新成立的组织旨在“促进决策层官员就国际市场异常情况尽快展开讨论”。

    The meeting would be the first of the rapid response forum , a newly created body to " promote early discussion among decision-level officials about abnormal international market conditions " .

  15. 计算机辅助设计在轴承设计上的应用(简称CAD),大大缩短了轴承开发的周期和提高了轴承设计的快速反应能力。

    The application of computeraided design ( CAD for short ) to bearing designing greatly shortens the cycle of bearing development and raises the quick response ability of bearing designing .

  16. 在孟买,市民们观看了孟买警察突击队,快速反应小组,国家预备役警察力量和该市精英部队ForceOne展示了新的武器和海上巡逻装备。

    Back in Mumbai , citizens watched as Mumbai 's Police Commandos , Quick Response Team ( QRT ) , State Reserve Police Force ( SRPF ) and the city 's elite-unit Force One showcased new weaponry and sea-patrol vehicles .

  17. 为实现方位保持平台高精度快速反应的要求,针对方位保持平台的工作特点,提出了采用BP神经网络控制算法的三级温度控制策略。

    Aiming at the characteristics azimuth holding platforms , in order to achieving fast response , a new three-level temperature control approach based on BP neural network algorithm is presented .

  18. ~(252)Cf源驱动噪声分析法是一种测量、分析反应堆和次临界系统的快速反应性的方法,可作为临界安全的瞬时检测方法。

    ~ ( 252 ) C_f-source-driven neutron noise analysis method is a way of measuring and analyzing the reactivity of reactor or subcritical reactor , which detects subcritical neutron multiplication factor , prompt neutron decay constant , and so on .

  19. 反应模块处理战场实体的快速反应行为和例行行为,而高级的认知行为则在慎思模块进行处理,从而兼顾了CGF模型对运行效率和高级智能行为的需求。

    The reactive module deals with the rapidly reactive and routine behaviors , while the advanced cognitive behaviors are processed in deliberative module .

  20. 准时制管理(JIT)的原理是根据需求拉动生产和供应,降低库存积压,是实现快速反应物流系统正常运行的重要策略。

    According demands to pull production and supplication and to reduce stock sweeping , Just In Time ( JIT ) management will be an important strategy for quick response logistics system .

  21. 就在北约组建NRF时,欧盟也在着手创建其快速反应部队。

    Even as NATO builds up the NRF , the EU is also building its own rapid response forces .

  22. 国家和本地快速反应小组(RRT)正在开展疫情调查并且按照国家方案做出应对。

    The National and local Rapid Response Teams ( RRT ) are conducting outbreak investigation and response following the national protocol .

  23. 新的基金将为国际开发协会(IDA)和国际复兴开发银行(IBRD)成员国的投资和预算支持方案提供快速反应融资,以解决食品危机带来的紧急需求。

    The new facility will provide rapid response financing for investment and budget support programs in IDA and IBRD countries to address immediate needs arising from the food crisis .

  24. 利用OMA谱仪及三台单色谱仪研究了爆炸激波管中铝粉在氢氧爆轰激励下快速反应的发射谱及辐射特性。

    The emission spectra and radiation behaviour of aluminium powder driven by hydro oxygen detonation in explosion shock tube are studied by OMA spectrograph and three monochromaters .

  25. DRP使企业能够及时把握渠道信息,对订单和供货具有快速反应和持续补充库存的能力,达到保证有效地满足市场需要又使得配置费用最省的目的。

    DRP makes the enterprises know about the message from marketing channels timely , and have the ability to have fast reaction and supply the stock continuously .

  26. 因为生成活性位的反应是快速反应,只有phen、FeCl3先于Al(i-Bu)3加入,才能有效阻止深度还原。

    Because the reaction forming the active site was quick , phen and FeCl 3 were added before Al ( I Bu ) 3 to prevent Fe 3 + from reducing to lower valence .

  27. 随着人们对于小批量、多品种的需求不断增加以及顾客对物流业快速反应(QR)和有效客户反应(ECR)的要求,也对物流业的服务水平提出了更高的要求。

    With the increasing demand for small quantity and many varieties and the further demand for quick response and effective customer response , a lot of higher-level demands have been raised for logistics industry .

  28. 将Agile概念引入电磁测深领域的软件开发过程中,运用Agile快速反应的特性,解决了电磁测深信息处理领域软件开发过程中专业人员同软件开发人员沟通困难,软件产品易学易用性差的问题。

    By using the fleet feedback character of Agile , I solved some problems in magnetotelluric sounding Information Processing field , such as : The professional communication with the software developer during the software development and the software production was hard to learn and use .

  29. 本课题研究的重点是FMS的一部分,即在当前多品种小批量生产模式下服装生产管理中工序编排与质量管理如何达到快速反应。

    This paper is a part of FMS what is to say how to realize the quick reaction on garment quality control and procedure arrangement in the production management under the mode of " many variety , small quantity " .

  30. 供应链管理的具体方法有很多,本文主要介绍三种:快速反应(OR)、有效客户反映(供应链ECR)和电子订货系统(EOS)。

    There are a lot of idiographic methods in SCM , this thesis primarily introduces three kinds of them , Quick Response ( QR ), Efficient Customer Response ( ECR ) and Electronic Ordering System ( EOS ) .