
yàng yàng
  • Unhappy;disgruntled;sullen
怏怏 [yàng yàng]
  • [disgruntled;sullen] 不高兴;不满意

  • 袁绍怏怏而别。--《三国演义》

怏怏[yàng yàng]
  1. “这我都知道,”汤姆怏怏不快地说。

    " I know all that ," said Tom , displeased .

  2. 如果我们整天有病态的思想,我们就会变得病怏怏;

    If we think sickly thoughts , we will probably be ill .

  3. 我感到疲乏,精神怏怏。

    My body was tired . My energy was low .

  4. 数字在他的脑子里变得模糊了,没算出来。他怏怏地听任它们消失。

    The figures whitened in his mind unsolved : displeased , he let them fade .