
  • 网络Talas;Taraz
  1. 怛逻斯之战历史溯源唐与大食百年政治关系述略(651751)历史的商鞅与符号化的商鞅

    Historical Origins of the Talas Campaign & A Brief Construction on Political Relations between the Tang and Arab from 651 to 751 Historical ShangYang And Coded ShangYang

  2. 美国的地缘政治战略及二战后的美土关系怛逻斯之战历史溯源唐与大食百年政治关系述略(651751)

    The American Geopolitical Strategy and Post-war American-Turkish Rela tions ; Historical Origins of the Talas Campaign & A Brief Construction on Political Relations between the Tang and Arab from 651 to 751 ;
