
  • 网络JARDINE;Jardine Matheson;Jardine Matheson Group;Jardine group
  1. 若包括入股永辉超市的交易,怡和集团今年在内地投资额已达17亿美元。

    Including the Yonghui deal , Jardine Matheson has spent $ 1.7bn in the Chinese mainland this year .

  2. Dealogic数据显示,此次收购永辉超市20%股权是怡和集团起码10年内发起的最大收购(按价值计)。

    The 20 per cent stake is the biggest single acquisition by value by the Jardine Matheson group for at least a decade , according to Dealogic data .

  3. 1月,怡和集团以7.31亿美元收购了汽车经销商中升集团(ZhongshengGroup)20%的股权。

    In January , the group bought a one-fifth stake in Zhongsheng Group , a car dealership , for $ 731m .

  4. 怡和集团涉足广泛业务,从文华东方(MandarinOriental)连锁酒店和中国房地产开发到超市、药店、建筑和汽车经销。

    Jardines ' interests today range from the Mandarin Oriental hotel chain and property development in China to supermarkets , pharmacies , construction and car dealerships .

  5. 怡和集团(JardineMatheson)旗下亚洲零售子公司牛奶国际(DairyFarmInternational)同意斥资9.25亿美元收购中国地区性超市连锁企业永辉超市(Yonghui)的少数股权,勇敢进入境外零售商迄今难以打开局面的中国零售行业。

    Dairy Farm International , the Asian retail arm of Jardine Matheson , has agreed to pay $ 925m for a minority stake in a regional Chinese hypermarket chain Yonghui , braving a sector that has proved difficult to foreign retailers .

  6. 怡和集团的业务范围很广泛,从控股印尼最大上市企业Astra到香港主要商业区的最大房东。

    Its interests range from control of Astra , Indonesia 's largest listed company , to being the biggest landlord in Hong Kong 's prime business district .

  7. 置地公司乃怡和集团成员之一。

    It is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group .

  8. 怡和集团还以拒绝遵守企业治理规则而闻名。

    The group is also notable for refusing to play by corporate governance norms .

  9. 怡和集团常务董事黎定基(右)在比赛中致词。

    Jardine Matheson Group Managing Director Anthony Nightingale ( right ) speaks at the contest .

  10. 二十位表现杰出的学生在暑期内到怡和集团旗下机构实习。

    Twenty student advocates with outstanding performance were rewarded with summer internships at various Jardines'business units .

  11. 怡和集团常务董事暨「思健」主席黎定基在最近的小型「思健」同乐日上参与薄饼制作环节。

    Jardine Matheson Group Managing Director and MINDSET Chairman Anthony Nightingale joins in the pizza-making session at the latest Mini MINDSET Day .

  12. 怡和集团是一家在新加坡上市的集团,通过一个企业网络展开运营,倾向于收购对象企业的少数股权,然后一点一点地增持股权。

    The Singapore-listed group , operating via a web of companies , tends to buy small stakes and increase them in stages .

  13. 是次活动为精神病康复者和怡和集团员工及亲友提供了难得的机会,促进彼此沟通共融,同时有助宣扬身心健康。

    All in all , the event offered precious interactive opportunities , and successfully promoted the importance of both physical and mental health .