
  1. 依托ICU优势培训急危重症护理技术人才

    ICU-based Training of Nursing Talents for Caring Emergency and Severe Cases

  2. 营养在治疗COPD中的作用急危重症患者急诊呼吸阶梯性治疗的临床研究

    Research of nutritional support in COPD patients A clinical study of the standardized stepwise respiratory support in emergency department

  3. 急性冠脉综合征(ACS)包括不稳定型心绞痛(UAP)、急性心肌梗死(AMI)和冠心病猝死,是临床常见的急危重症之一。

    Acute Coronary Syndrome ( ACS ) includes Unstable Angina Pectoris ( UAP ), Acute Myocardial Infarction ( AMI ) and coronary sudden death .

  4. 介绍了连续性静静脉血液滤过的适应证、治疗特点、优点、并发症、护理及在ICU各种急危重症病人抢救中的应用。

    It introduced the indication , therapeutic characteristics , merits , complications , nursing care and application of continuous vein to vein hemofiltration in rescuing acute critical patients in ICU .

  5. 急诊科是急危重症病人救治的主要窗口,因此,采取积极有效的应对策略,降低HIV等造成的职业性感染,对护患双方具有保护意义。

    Emergency department is the main window to treat emergency severe patients , therefore , it has great value to take effective countermeasures to reduce the risk of occupational infection of HIV both for the medical staff and patients .

  6. 目的为较快较好经济实用地培训急危重症护理技术人才,使ICU人力资源增值,以满足众多急危重症病人对急救技能的高水平需求,提高各科抢救成功率,令护患双赢。

    Objective To meet the needs of more and more emergency and severe cases for quality service and thus raise the success rate of rescues and saving through training nursing talents based on ICU .

  7. 急性药物中毒与成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)均属常见急危重症。据我所不完全统计,急性药物中毒继发ARDS的发病率达37.6%。

    Both acute drug intoxication and adult respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) are commonly seen critical illnesses . Although ARDS secondary to acute drug intoxication has not been reported in China , its incidence is as high as 37.6 % according to the incomplete statistic data of our institution .

  8. 研究背景急性肾功能衰竭(AFR)是临床常见的急危重症,由于出血、严重创伤、休克、肾脏移植等造成的急性缺血及再灌注性肾损伤是其主要病因。

    [ BACKGRUUND ] Acute renal failure ( ARF ) is the frequent clinical emergency case . The most causes of the ARF are acute renal ischemia-reperfusion injury aroused by haemorrhage ; sever injury ; shock ; kidney transplantation and so on .

  9. 急危重症病人营养支持的临床研究

    Nursing Study of Nutritional Support in Patients with Critical Diseases

  10. 提高规范化培训住院医师急危重症的医疗水平

    On Improving the Capability of Standardized Training Residency in Internal Intensive Medicine

  11. 急危重症患者的经颅多普勒超声应用研究

    Application of Transcranial Doppler in Patients with Critical Clinical Disorders

  12. 急危重症患者急诊呼吸阶梯性治疗的临床研究

    A clinical study of the standardized stepwise respiratory support in emergency department

  13. 五常法管理在急危重症的实践及体会

    The Application of " 5s " managing method in severe acute Disease

  14. 概述急性肺损伤是临床常见的急危重症。

    Summary Acute lung injury is a common clinical Intensive .

  15. 床边支气管镜检查在急危重症病人抢救中的应用

    Application of bedside fibrobronchoscopy on rescuing acute severe patients

  16. 公共风险危机下的动物疫病应急反应体系建设神经急危重症计算机辅助诊断系统的研究

    Research on Emergency System of Epidemic Animal Disease under the Public Risk Crisis

  17. 血液灌流联合血液透析救治急危重症毒物药物中毒的临床体会

    Clinical experience in acute severe drug poisoning treatment with blood perfusion combined hemodialysis

  18. 急危重症科室护理人力资源的合理使用

    The reasonable management of nursing human resource in the Emergency and Critical Care Depart-ment

  19. 目的分析误诊原因,提高急危重症病人的诊断水平。

    Objective To analyze the cause of erroneous diagnosis for improving clinical diagnosis level .

  20. 急危重症患者应用谷氨酰胺营养支持治疗的观察与护理

    Nursing Care for Critically Ill Patients with the Use of Glutamine in Nutritional Support

  21. 纳络酮在急危重症抢救中的临床应用

    Clinical effects of using naloxone for emergency

  22. 高级急危重症护理模拟人在护理专业本科生临床技能教学中的应用

    Application of simulation medical education technology in Clinical skill Training to the Nursing Undergraduate Student

  23. 大黄辅助治疗急危重症胃肠功能不全的临床研究

    Clinical research about rhubarbs assistant treatment with urgent and danger diseases complicated incompetence of the stomach and intestine

  24. 概述了体外循环血液净化新技术在急危重症患者中的救治作用及发展前景。

    The effect and perspective of new methos of extracorporeal blood purification treatment in emerg severe cases are summarized .

  25. 目的探讨如何迅速建立有效的可靠的静脉通路,救治特殊体位的急危重症患者。

    Objective To study how to establish effective and reliable venous channel to treat severe cases with special body position .

  26. 目的:探讨广东省急危重症孕产妇产褥感染相关因素,力求降低产褥感染发生率。

    Objective : By studying the correlative factors of puerperal infection in Guangdong province to decrease the incidence rate of puerperal infection .

  27. 目的:客观评价神经内科急危重症患者的脑血流动力学变化与临床预后的关系。

    Objective : To achieve an objective evaluation of the relationship between hemodynamic changes and the clinical prognosis in patients with critical clinical conditions .

  28. 结论广东省产科处理急危重症的技术水平有待进一步提高,特别是基层和经济落后地区的医疗保健机构;

    Conclusion The ability of treating emergency of obstetrics in Guangdong province should be improved , and especially to primary medical establishment and poor areas .

  29. 胃十二指肠溃疡出血是临床常见的急危重症,需要医生进行积极的治疗,为患者纠正血容量,并早日进行止血。

    Objective To explore clinical efficacy of gastrectomy in the treatment of bleeding of gastric ulcer and provide the reference for the treatment of gastric ulcer bleeding .

  30. 结论院前猝死是院前急救的主要急危重症之一,早期电击除颤是救治心源性猝死的重要措施。

    Conclusion Pre hospital sudden death is one of the main critical diseases that need Pre hospital care , early defibrillation is vital to victims of cardiac arrest .